VietNamNet Bridge - Voters in Hoan Kiem district in Hanoi at a meeting with Communist Party’s Secretary General Nguyen Phu Trong and Hanoi National Assembly Deputies, proposed the 12th Party Congress to select personnel in transparency and democracy.


Communist Party’s Secretary General Nguyen Phu Trong

Dang Tai Tinh, a voter in Cong Vi Ward, said at the meeting that he wanted the personnel selection to be carried out in accordance with criteria set by the Party’s Central Committee.

“Party members need to be united. The party calls on people to unite, and therefore, the unity must be seen in the inner party first. If a division of the party cannot be united, the party’s prestige will be lost,” Tinh said.

“Therefore, the individuals to be selected to the party’s central committee, the National Assembly and local people’s councils have to build solidarity within their families and at their agencies. Only if they can do this will people have confidence in the party,” he said.

Do Ba Quat, a voter in Quan Thanh Ward, emphasized that it was necessary to select individuals who ‘can say and can do as well’.

He also proposed to make public the personnel selection, so that people know the information and can help select the best candidates who can “fulfill the tasks assigned by the party and win people’s hearts’.


“People always have confidence in the party and always protect the party. Therefore, the party needs to trust in people and allow people to participate in the process of selecting candidates for the Party’s Central Committee and National Assembly,” the voter said.

A lot of voters attending the meeting showed concerns about corruption and waste in spending. 

Nguyen Vi Yen from Ngoc Khanh Ward reminded them of the fact that some poor provinces still spent billions of dong to build colossal offices. Most recently, local newspapers reported that Nghe An, Ha Tinh and Hai Phong plan to build big administration centers worth trillions of dong, while many monument and museum projects in localities have also been designed.



Mr. Dang Tai Tinh.

“It is unacceptable to borrow money just to build offices during economic difficulties,” he said.

“We agree with President Truong Tan Sang that implementing such construction works at this moment will make the national economy weaker,” he said. “It is necessary to cut your coat according your clothes and keep strict supervision over project implementation.”

Trong, when mentioning the issue of selecting personnel for the Party, said the work was being carried out ‘step by step, in a tight, methodical and solid way”. However, he admitted that this was a difficult task which draws special attention from the public.

“The public’s particular concern is how to hold the revolutionary nature of the Party and the State apparatus. What makes people feel most worried now are corruption and the moral degradation of a small part of cadres, who may spoil the Party,” Trong said, adding that it is bad cadres, not outside forces, who are the danger to the Party.

“Therefore, it is necessary to protect and keep the Party strong and the country developed. Only if we can do this will the nation be able to live forever,” Trong said.

“In order to do that, Party members and cadres need to act as bright examples for people to follow. The political system needs to be clean and strong, while the grassroots level must be solid,” he continued.

The Party secretary general said that voters were right when questioning the conspiracies kept by forces outside which tend to be increasingly more sinister. The Party and Party’s Central Committee always keeps close watch on the problem.




Mr. Nguyen Vi Yen

Heavy tasks will be assigned to the Party Congress and the elections of National Assembly and local people’s councils.

“This is very good news that the party congresses at the grassroots level went smoothly and successfully with younger selected cadres, while more female cadres have been selected,” he commented.

“What we need is leadership with strong consistency, high qualifications, loyal and beloved. People will not have confidence if the Party’s members are corrupt and engage in wrongdoing,” he said.

He emphasized that developing the economy was the key task that will lay a platform for Vietnam to build and protect the country into a modern and competitive country in the international arena.

However, building up the Party structure still plays the decisive role. He repeated the President’s saying that cadres play the decisive role. Cadres have to have virtue and talent, while virtue is the root.

“We need to select those who are absolutely loyal to the people, the regime and the Party so as to protect the Party and maintain peace for the country’s development,” he said.

Chung Hoang - Pham Hai