well-known indian folk dance troupe to perform in vietnam picture 1
Well-known Indian folk dance troupe will perform in Vietnam  from March 26 to March 31

The group consists of dancers and singers led by Ms Pratibha Sharma, a renowned expert of the Charkula dance and folk dances of the Braj region. 

As scheduled, they will perform in Hanoi from March 26 to March 27, before moving on to the Tam Chuc tourism complex in the northern province of Ha Nam on March 28, the Vietnam-India Secondary School and Thai Nguyen University in the northern mountainous province of Thai Nguyen on March 29, and the northern provinces of Lao Cai and Yen Bai on March 30 and March 31, respectively.

Furthermore, a number of exchange activities and seminars will take place, thereby helping audiences to gain a better understanding of the history, dance skills, and characteristics of Indian folk dances.

Previously, the Indian troupe also thrilled the southern residents at the Ho Chi Minh City Youth Cultural House in 2007.