The salary is half of that of cleaners, or domestic help who earn VND50,000/1 hour, or VND400,000/one day. If they work a full month, their income could be VND 15 million.

The salary of trained workers with higher education is half of that paid to babysitters in Hanoi (VND6-7 million a month).

Meanwhile, salaries of ministers are VND 14.5 million - VND 15 million (salary coefficient 9.7- 10.3). In fact, public employees have many positions before becoming ministers.

Ten years ago, a minister who was a former provincial Party Committee Secretary, when talking about the wage policy, revealed that his salary as a Party Committee Secretary was at a 10.3 coefficient compared to 9.7 when he was a minister.

A former minister under the tenures of former Prime Ministers Do Muoi, Vo Van Kiet and Phan Van Khai, said: “I will retire in 2022; 20 years have elapsed. As I was in the post of minister of two ministries and worked for more than 10 years, there was no more grade promotion."

“Before I retired, the then Head of the Organization Commission of the Party Central Committee found the problem and released a decision allowing me to enjoy a 10 percent allowance. So, my pension is a little bit higher than other ministers, approximately VND 13 million,” he said.

Ministers or provincial Party Committee Secretary are all eminent statesmen appointed by Party Congresses, the Politburo or the National Assembly.

Chairman of the National Assembly’s Finance and Budget Committee Nguyen Phu Cuong said that state budget revenue is higher than estimates (14.3 percent). The state budget expenditures in 2022 ensures coverage of state management tasks, national defense, public security, foreign affairs and pays for social security policies and due debt repayments. Therefore, it is necessary to consider raising salaries.

Vietnam has been fighting embezzlement and wrongdoings. There must be good remuneration policies for workers, especially civil servants, so they do not engage in corruption. The laws need to be strict enough to deter wrongdoers and prevent corruption.

However, Vietnam still needs to go a long way to reach the goal as the remuneration scheme and pay for leaders in particular, is still much lower than advanced countries.

The National Assembly Standing Committee has put into discussion a proposal on raising the base salary to VND1.8 million a month and raising pay for some certain people. It’s necessary so that people in the political system feel proud about being selected.

Quoc Phong