Le Van Phuc (right) transmits energy to a learner

Huynh My An from HCM City attended one of the third-level classes of NLG-Energy source and had many opportunities to meet and communicate with Phuc.

An has a younger sister who had to undergo hemodialysis three times a week. She was advised to seek help from NLG-Energy source to treat her disease, and she also finished the third-level class. 

After hearing from many people praising the power of NLG-Energy source, An’s sister had trust in Phuc, who promised that he would help heal the two kidneys and help her have children.

“He was very wise when gathering knowledge from spiritualists around the world and guided people to treat diseases by loving people properly. However, later, he began talking about spirits and strange ideas. He talked a lot about enchantments and drove people into silent fears,” An recalled.

An said Phuc affirmed that he had unlocked the Bronze Drum to get energy to heal people, and the volume of energy was enough for use for thousands of years. He said Vietnam would become rich because people from all over the world would flock there to learn this subject.

After a time of learning and communicating with Phuc, An and her family members believed that this was a benevolent organization, so they agreed to contribute money and efforts to the organization.

“As our family was generous and spent a lot of money, he advised us to buy a yacht to carry foreigners from five continents to Vietnam to learn his theory and earn big money,” An said.

Though An did not spend money on a yacht, her family spent a lot on charity work, helping people in difficulties to be introduced to NLG-Energy source. A portion of the money, according to Phuc, was given to Phuc’s adopted daughter, who suffered from cancer.

However, An later discovered that this was not the truth and unmasked Phuc. The man then gave her back the VND200 million.

According to An, Phuc brought An’s younger sister to Hanoi to meet his adopted daughter in Hoai Duc. The woman said that An’s sister had been evil in her previous incarnation, so she now had to pay for this.

Education level

The documents that VietNamNet reporters have found show that Le Van Phuc, or "Uncle Phuc", the founder of NLG-Energy source, was born in 1956 in HCM City. 

When he was 22 years old, he left for the US when he had yet to finish general education in Vietnam. He spent a long time working for a laundry and nail parlor in the US.

Later, Phuc studied so-called Human Energy and returned to Vietnam to disseminate information about the subject. This was something similar to NLG-Energy source and was also advertised as having the capability of curing all dangerous diseases, including cancer and HIV.

In Vietnam, Human Energy has been prohibited for a long time.

In October 2016, Le Van Phuc set up the company Energy Source in Texas in the US. In December 2019, the company announced its dissolution.

Prior to that, Phuc quietly brought NLG to Vietnam in 2015 and introduced it among small groups in the south. In early 2010, Phuc began organizing classes at large conference centers in Hanoi and HCM City.

He sent documents to many agencies in Vietnam, applying for the establishment of a research institute to develop the subject in Vietnam with the support and connection of many people.

The heads of the establishment were Le Van Phuc and a Vietnamese-born woman  who had US nationality. 

The woman introduced herself as a lawyer, while Phuc said he was a physician specializing in traditional medicine. However, both of them provided no documents and degrees to prove their education.

VietNamNet staff