yok don

Update news yok don

VIPs build wooden houses as illegal loggers continue to decimate forests

VietNamNet  Bridge - Top businessmen and high-ranking state officials in the Central Highlands have spent billions of dong to build wooden villas.

Yok Don forests “attacked” from all four sides

Migrants have step by step encroached on forests from the outside, while illegal loggers have been dismantling trees in the core area. The Yok Don forests are withering and shrinking.

Deforestation continues as agencies blame each other

VietNamNet Bridge - Illegal loggers have been using motor saws in Yok Don National Park and felling dozens of precious trees for a long time. But no agency has taken responsibility for the deforestation.

National Park loses 100 trees a month to illegal loggers

VietNamNet Bridge - At the Yok Don National Park, 100 trees are cut down every month on average. In 90 percent of cases, illegal loggers responsible for the damage cannot be found.

Nurturing wild flowers in the highlands

 In a region blessed with natural beauty, one man's passion for orchids has created a special reserve of nature and culture that is a delight for both visitors and botanical researchers. 

Dak Lak: Trapped elephant rescued

 VietNamNet Bridge – The young wild elephant that was trapped in the National Park of Yok Don in Dak Lak Province was rescued on May 14.