A Deloitte survey shows that 77% of the survey participants experienced burnout at work at least once. About 87% of them said that they had passion for their jobs but 64% said that they were frequently stressed due to work pressure.

Stress, pressure from work are seen everywhere. Many young people nowadays seem to be rushing all the times. Rushing to meet deadlines, unfinished urgent task, they have to face “peer pressure” as well.

“Many days at the office are a series of days filled with stress from deadlines, nudges from bosses and clients. There are a lot of times one works continuously without eating and sleeping causing extreme stress and fatigue to the body”, Ky Duyen, a freelance digital marketer from Thu Duc city, HCM City said. 

Sometimes drowning in stress, many young people seek a “work-life balance” lifestyle. They choose to work smart instead of working hard so they can travel and immerse themselves in nature with camping, trekking, hiking and enjoying chilled bottles of green tea in the forests or at the beach to relieve stress. 

“After 3 years working in an office, I said goodbye to the corporate environment to become a freelancer. After all the stress and fatigue from completing each project, I can explore new lands with interesting vacation experiences”, Ky Duyen shared her way of relieving stress, fatigue, and gaining more energy for the open road ahead. 

Da Thao, a Gen Z girl working at the office in District 3, HCM City said that after a long, stressful week, worn out from work, she and her friends often organized trips to explore nature and relieve stress.

“My backpack doesn’t have anything besides sun-blocking garments, my wallet and of course, it goes without saying, bottles of green tea to cool down on the open road. Closer places like Can Gio, Dong Nai, Long An to further ones such as Cat Tien forest, Lam Dong, Dak Lak... nothing is better than enjoying bottles of green tea to relieve stress and fatigue on the open road immersing ourselves in endless forests”, Da Thao said. 

Green tea in general and Zero Degree Green Tea in particular, is a drink for young people over thousands of miles exploring the country. Nguyen Yen, a member of a camping group in Thu Duc City said: “Over hundreds of kilometers, our group does not only need Zero Degree Green Tea to immediately quench our thirst but this drink made from Thai Nguyen tea leaves also contain EGCG compound with added vitamin C to relieve stress and fatigue. This is the reason why our group always chooses Zero Degree Green Tea to drink on the road”.

Not only it is the drink to help pick up everyone’s mood on a trip to chill and explore nature all over the country by travelers, Zero Degree Green Tea is also a good-for-healthy drink that many people choose to relieve stress and fatigue daily because it is able to preserves highest amount of EGCG from Thai Nguyen tea leaves along with added vitamin C and produced with sterilized Aseptic technology which helps to produce the highest quality products.

Zero Degree Green Tea has gained FDA certification from the US Food and Drugs Administration and Halal certification needed for Muslim nations due to products with the best quality control, the ability to retain the maximum amount of health-benefiting nutrition, natural flavors without using preservatives and artificial colors produced with sterilized Aseptic technology.

Not only good for health, helping to relieve all stress and fatigue but also conveniently bottled and can be purchased anywhere is the reason why Zero Degree Green Tea is beloved by many young people. 

Beverages extracted from natural ingredients, good-for-health like green tea is the priority for consumers, especially young people due to their ability to access information on the internet and the trend toward health-conscious lifestyle, balancing work and personal life. 

According to the Lifestyle Survey 2021-2022 by Kantar, 85% of people said they are willing to pay higher for good-for-health products. Some 73% preferred products with added ingredients like vitamins, ginseng, calcium... (increased by 5 % from 2021). 

Like the trend of choosing “work smart” instead of “work hard” to balance life, young people are seeking nature to detox their spirits. They also choose beverages extracted from natural, good-for-health ingredients to quench thirst and also to relieve all stress, fatigue, cool down life over thousands of miles explore the nation.