The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs has called on 23 localities which are practicing social distancing under the prime minister’s Directive 16 to reduce the water and electricity prices for workers affected by the pandemic or exempt them from paying.

The 23 localities comprise HCMC, Binh Duong, Dong Nai, Can Tho and 15 other southern provinces, Hanoi and three central localities---Danang, Phu Yen and Khanh Hoa, the local media reported.

The ministry also asked these localities to talk the owners of boarding houses into reducing room rentals for disadvantaged laborers.

Localities should take the initiative to support the food expenses of the underprivileged, at least VND50,000 each per day, provide essential commodities to people under social protection and mobilize organizations to supply food and essential foods to residents in areas under lockdown.

As for residents wanting to return to their hometowns, localities must coordinate with the governments of their hometowns to prepare vehicles to transport them to their hometowns, provide them with food and drinking water and quarantine them in line with regulations.

On August 16, the prime minister allowed 4,000 tons of rice from the national rice reserves to be used and offered as relief aid to pandemic-hit residents in Binh Phuoc, Bac Lieu and Soc Trang provinces. Specifically, Binh Phuoc would receive nearly 560 tons, Bac Lieu nearly 637 tons and Soc Trang over 2,900 tons.

The Ministries of Finance and Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs must take responsibility for the information and data of residents receiving the rice, while the three provinces must hand over the rice to the relevant residents.

Health Minister works with HCM City on COVID-19 control, treatment

Minister of Health Nguyen Thanh Long recommended pandemic hotspot Ho Chi Minh City strictly enforce social distancing measures and implement in-place social welfare packages at a meeting on care and treatment of COVID-19 patients and pandemic control with the local authorities on August 17.

The minister also requested the city launch testing to discover transmission sources as soon as possible, set the goal to minimise the number of deaths, and accelerate efforts to increase vaccination coverage.

The municipal health department reported that the city has re-arranged the care system for COVID-19 patients in three levels. The first level is caring for patients at home and at 153 sites with around 24,000 beds across 22 districts and Thu Duc City. The second level consists of 74 hospitals with 49,392 beds, and the third level comprises eight resuscitation hospitals and five intensive care centers that offer 3,850 beds together.

Meanwhile, two health packages designed for patients treated at home and at local hospitals are being applied.

Agreeing with such treatment arrangement, Minister Long stressed the importance of caring for patients at home, saying that on-site testing and treatment can help limit transmission.

The official also asked the city expand its COVID-19 quick response teams at communes and wards from the current number of 312./.

Foreigner flouts COVID-19 outdoor ban in HCM City

A foreign man has been taken to a police station in Ho Chi Minh City after he was caught violating social distancing rules and challenging on-duty officials.

The foreign national was stopped by the police at 20:00 on August 17 as he was found cycling on Nguyen Thi Minh Khai street close to a police checkpoint.

After being halted by the police, the man failed to obey their orders and removed his face mask, shouting at them.

Despite having his violation, the foreign man continued to challenge on-duty police officers.

The police were therefore forced to control the man and subsequently handed him over to officers based in Da Kao ward.

In late July, Ho Chi Minh City started banning people from going out between the hours of 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. as part of its restrictions aimed at reducing a surge in COVID-19 infections.

South Africa’s Honorary Consul assists military hospitals in COVID-19 combat

The first batch of aid from the Honorary Consul of South Africa in Ho Chi Minh City was delivered to two military-run temporary COVID-19 hospitals based in nearby Binh Duong province on August 17.

The aid includes canned food, noodle, sugar, milk, beverages, medical supplies, and many other essential goods worth about 800 million VND (35,000 USD) in total, the Quan doi Nhan dan (People's Army) newspaper reported.

South Africa’s Honorary Consul Do Thi Kim Lien said she appreciates the enormous efforts by tens of thousands of medical workers in the army to help with the battle against COVID-19, adding that with her modest contribution, she wishes to support those in the frontline.

After Hospital 5B and 5D, next batches of the aid will be delivered to temporary hospital No 5A, 5C, and the Mien Dong (Eastern) Military - Civil Hospital, which has also been transformed into a facility for COVID-19 treatment, on August 18, according to Col. Le Anh Tuan, Deputy Director of the Mass Mobilisation Department of the army’s General Department of Politics./.

126,157 HCMC dwellers vaccinated with Sinopharm's Covid-19 vaccine

The health sector in Ho Chi Minh City yesterday announced a total of 126,157 city dwellers have been inoculated against Covid-19. Most of them were vaccinated with Sinopharm's Covid-19 vaccine (Vero Cell).

Therefore, nearly 5 million residents in the southern city have so far received the vaccine jabs safely.
In related news, the Ministry of Health yesterday sent an official dispatch to the Department of Health in the Southern Province of Binh Duong giving feedback upon the province's proposal to vaccinate people from 12-18 years of age with the Covid-19 vaccine.

According to the Ministry of Health, selection of people in the priority groups for vaccination against Covid-19 must comply with the provisions of Decree No. 21/NQ-CP dated February 26 of the Government on the purchase and use of Covid-19 vaccine and the Ministry of Health’s Decision No. 3355 on the plan to implement the Covid-19 vaccination campaign and another document on the implementation of measures to prevent and control the Covid-19 epidemic.

Hence, frontline health workers, the elderly, cases with underlying medical conditions, embassy staff, consulates and residents in epidemic-hit areas were given priority for pre-emptive vaccination.

Chairpersons of people's committees in cities and provinces shall decide those to receive vaccine jabs in accordance with the actual situation and requirements for epidemic prevention in the area. With the current limited number of vaccines, priority should be given to the above -mentioned people.

The Ministry of Health will provide the following guidance if there will be changes in the age of vaccine recipients.

The country currently has about 9 million people aged between 12 and 18 years old. Currently, the Covid-19 vaccine used in Vietnam is indicated for those 18 years of age and older. According to some studies, children with Covid-19 often have no symptoms or mild illness.

As of August 17, Vietnam has about 14.7 million people vaccinated against Covid-19, more than 13.3 million people have been vaccinated with one dose of the vaccine.

Ambassador suggests ways to strengthen ties with Russian oblast

Vietnamese Ambassador to Russia Dang Minh Khoi paid a working visit to Kaluga oblast on August 17, with economic cooperation among the focuses of the trip.

Working with the diplomat, Kaluga Governor Vladislav Shapsha said his oblast’s economic ties with Vietnam have been thriving in recent years.

Bilateral trade topped 315 million USD in 2020, rising 10-fold in three years, and Vietnam currently ranks fifth among foreign trade partners of Kaluga, he noted, adding that local businesses are interested in expanding partnerships with the Southeast Asian nation.

Voicing his delight at the flourishing relations between Kaluga and Vietnam, Khoi emphasised that the oblast holds great significance in developing the two countries’ cooperation.

He said Kaluga is one of the first Russian localities he has visited, and that he is impressed with the huge economic, industrial, investment, and sci-tech potential, as well as other strengths of the oblast.

However, he pointed out that trade and economic links between the two nations have yet to match their potential.

The ambassador highly valued Kaluga’s incentives and support for investors, including TH True Milk of Vietnam, which is making efforts to complete its project there soon.

Suggesting cooperation priorities for the coming time, Khoi said if the existing rail route between Kaluga and China is optimised and connected with Vietnam, trade between Vietnam and Russia may double to reach 10 billion USD per year in the near future.

A private business owning an airline in Vietnam is showing its interest in setting up a logistics centre in Russia. As Kaluga is close to Moscow, this enterprise can join in the construction of an airport in the oblast, thus helping facilitate travel between the two countries, according to the diplomat.

He also asked Kaluga, in its capacity, to assist Vietnam with COVID-19 treatment drugs and medical equipment.

For his part, Shapsha spoke highly of the ambassador's proposals, affirming his readiness to have in-depth discussions about travel promotion as Vietnam is a favourite destination of Russians.

He also pledged to discuss support for and cooperation with Vietnam in the pandemic fight with local relevant agencies.

Visiting Vorsino Industry Park in Kaluga, Khoi met with Deputy Governor Vladimir Potemkin and Director of the Agency for Regional Development of Kaluga Nikolay Andreev, recommending stronger labour cooperation as the oblast is boosting the development of industrial parks.

As part of the trip, the ambassador also had a meeting with Mayor of Obninsk city Tatiana Leonova./.

Russia hails Vietnam’s preparation for Army Games 2021

Russia hails Vietnam’s preparation for Army Games 2021 hinh anh 1

Vietnamese team for 2021 Army Games.


Maj. Gen. Alexander Peryazev, Deputy Chief of the General Department of Combat Training under the Russian Armed Forces and Chief Referee of the Army Games 2021, on August 17 hailed Vietnam’s preparation for the international tournament despite its hosting the event for the first time amid various difficulties.

Peryazev said the Vietnamese officers, soldiers and other forces show high fighting spirit, a high sense of discipline and determination to win.

He expressed his delight that the two countries would enhance defence cooperation in more areas.

The same day, the Russian Defence Ministry released a video on a welcome ceremony for the Vietnamese naval force’s warship 016-Quang Trung at Vladivostok port. The warship, along with the 015-Tran Hung Dao, will compete in the “Sea Cup” category in the Games.

The “Sea Cup” contest will begin on August 22 with the participation of teams from Russia, Azerbaijan. Vietnam, Iran, Myanmar, Kazakhstan and China.

The Army Games 2021 is scheduled for August 22 – September 4 with 34 contests and 260 teams from 45 countries. Competition events will be held in Armenia, Algeria, Belarus, Vietnam, Iran, Kazakhstan, Qatar, China, Serbia, Uzbekistan, Mongolia and Russia.

Vietnam is due to host the Military Medical Relay Race and Sniper Frontier contests./.

PM to provide financial support for COVIVAC vaccine trials

The Prime Minister has decided to use over VND8.8 billion from the national Covid-19 vaccine fund to support the first and second phase of clinical trials of the COVIVAC vaccine, which has been developed by the Health Ministry’s Institute of Vaccines and Medical Biologicals (IVAC) since May 2020

COVIVAC uses viral vector technology on primary chicken embryo cell culture - a technique IVAC used previously to successfully produce seasonal flu vaccines. It is preserved at temperatures from 2-8 degrees Celsius.

In the first phase, it was evaluated as safe, well-tolerant and immunogenic.

The second phase will be carried out in Vu Thu District, northern Thai Binh Province, with 375 volunteers.
COVIVAC is the second “made-in-Vietnam” vaccine to be approved for clinical trials by the Health Ministry, following Nanogen company’s Nano Covax.

HCM City appeals for emergency aid to support COVID affected people

Ho Chi Minh City, the largest coronavirus hotspot in Vietnam, has requested that the Government provide the city with VND28,000 billion and more than 142,000 tonnes of rice to support poor labourers affected by COVID-19.

Mỏe than 1.5 million pổ households in HCM City need emergency aid to survive the COVID-19 pandemic.
The municipal administration says millions of local poor labourers have fallen victim to COVID-19 during the social distancing period, and they therefore need emergency aid to afford daily food and pay house rents.

According to its calculations, the city currently has 1,580,110 households of poor labourers, an equivalent to 4,740,330 people. It is expected to assist each household with VND50,000 /day to purchase food and VND1.5 million per month to pay accommodation rent. In addition, each poor labourer will also get 15 kg of rice.

Ho Chi Minh City is the epicenter of the fourth outbreak of COVID-19 which has spread to 62 out of 63 cities and provinces in Vietnam. The city has so far recorded more than 150,000 infections and thousands of fatalities, emerging as the largest coronavirus hotspot in the country.

In response to the complicated situation, HCM City has implemented a range of drastic measures, including social distancing, in an effort to halt the spread of the virus in the community.

It has several times extended the social distancing order since May 31, and most recently it decided to extend the measure till September 15.

Truck driver detained for transporting corpses out of Ho Chi Minh City

The Ho Chi Minh City Military Command is investigating the transportation of 46 bodies including those of 41 Covid-19 patients from the city to Ben Tre Province for cremation.

According to police in Ben Tre Province, Le Phuc Hau, 29, transported 46 bodies on a truck from Ho Chi Minh City to Phuc Lac Vien Crematorium on two days of August 15 and August 16.

The crematorium on August 16 reported the incident to local police and the driver was detained.

Speaking to the police, Hau said that on August 15 he transported the first 18 bodies which were collected from different places in Ho Chi Minh City to two crematoriums in Hau Giang and Long An provinces but they were refused due to lack of capacity. He then went on to Phuc Lac Vien Crematorium and the bodies were accepted there.

On August 16 the truck driver continued to transport 28 bodies on two trips from Ho Chi Minh City to the crematorium, which then reported to local police.

After investigations, Ben Tre Police found that 41 out of the 46 bodies were Covid-19 patients. Hau was detained for violating regulations on Covid-19 prevention and control.

The police said that Hau had a travel permit which allowed some vehicles to travel during the ongoing social distancing period in Ho Chi Minh City. Therefore he easily passed many checkpoints on the way.
Speaking with Dantri/Dtinews on the afternoon of August 17, chairman of Ben Tre City People's Committee, Huynh Vinh Khanh said that they had locked down the Phuc Lac Vien Crematorium for disinfection and carrying out Covid-19 testing for all staff. 

Commenting on the incident, the Ho Chi Minh City Military Command said that they would co-operate with police in Ben Tre in their investigations.

At present, Covid-19 patients who died at hospitals and at locked-down areas in Ho Chi Minh City are being supported with cremation and memorial services by local authorities. Their ashes are given to families by the Ho Chi Minh City Military Command.

The families of patients who died at home in other areas are also receiving financial support for cremation services.

ASEAN steps up defence ties in health security

Major General Vu Cuong Quyet, Director of the Ministry of National Defence’s Institute for Defence Strategy, on August 17 attended the opening session of a virtual conference of the Track II Network of ASEAN Defence and Security Institutions (NADI).

Focusing on strengthening ASEAN’s defence cooperation in health security, the three-day event is held by the Royal Thai Armed Forces’ Centre for Strategic Studies.

Delegates are discussing defence and security challenges caused by health security issues, particularly impacts of COVID-19 and other communicable diseases. They are also expected to chalk out ways to step up the regional partnership in military medicine to respond to public health emergency situations and potential challenges caused by diseases in the future.

In his remarks, Major General Quyet highly valued the Royal Thai Armed Forces’ Centre for Strategic Studies for hosting the conference. He hoped that with an open atmosphere, honesty, trust and mutual understanding, participants will voice opinions to help bolster defence cooperation among ASEAN member states in health security at large and COVID-19 response in particular./.

Outgoing UN Resident Coordinator receives friendship insignia

Outgoing United Nations (UN) Resident Coordinator in Vietnam Kamal Malhotra has been honoured with the “For peace and friendship among nations” insignia during a ceremony held in Hanoi on August 17.

At the award ceremony, President of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations (VUFO) Ambassador Nguyen Phuong Nga underlined that Vietnam appreciates efforts and contributions by Malhotra and the UN Resident Coordinator Office in Vietnam.

During his five-year term in Vietnam, Malhotra has exerted efforts in raising Vietnam’s position and pioneering role in the network of UN bodies worldwide and strengthening Vietnam’s engagement in UN peacekeeping operations, and showed support for Vietnam as Chair of ASEAN in 2020 and a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for the 2020-21 tenure.

Against the backdrop of COVID-19, the UN Resident Coordinator and representatives of other UN bodies have helped Vietnam by sharing information, experience and consultations, along with calling for assistance in COVID-19 vaccine and medical equipment for the country, Nga said.

The UN so far has been among the largest COVID-19 vaccine providers of Vietnam through the COVAX Facility, with nearly 10 million doses.

The Vietnamese official voiced her hope that in his future position, Malhotra will continue to support Vietnam and contribute to maintaining peace and advocating sustainable development in the world.

For his part, Malhotra affirmed that Vietnam has an increasingly important role in the UN thanks to the country’s active and responsible participation in and contributions to joint missions of the international community and the UN./.

12 Gia Lai workers walking home from Binh Phuoc given rental cars

Some people in the Central Highlands province of Dak Nong contributed money to hire three cars to transport 12 Covid-19-affected workers who tried to walk hundreds of kilometres to their home.

The workers were found walking from the southern province of Binh Phuoc’s Dong Xoai Town to their home in the Central Highlands province of Gia Lai’s Chu Se District. They were unemployed due to Covid-19. Without money and means of transport, they were forced to choose to return home on foot. 

At around 12 pm on Monday, they came to a Covid-19 check-point in Dak Nong Province’s Dak R’Lap. Security guards at the checkpoint asked them for their health declaration and offered them free meals.

Some people in Dak R’Lap then contributed money to rent three cars to take the workers home.

Thua Thien-Hue to set up additional Covid-19 field hospitals

Local officials of Thua Thien-Hue Province surveyed Vocational College No. 23 and some other locations to establish more Covid-19 field hospitals, aimed at proactively providing treatment to coronavirus patients if the situation in this central province worsens.

Nguyen Thanh Binh, vice chairman of the provincial government, and representatives of the provincial Health Department, Military Command and the relevant agencies took a field trip to the college yesterday, August 16, and worked on a plan to requisition the school as a Covid-19 field hospital, reported Thanh Nien newspaper.

After approving the plan to convert the college into a field hospital, Binh tasked the Medical and Pharmacy University Hospital in the province with managing the field hospital, while the provincial Health Department and Military Command were told to provide medical support and equipment for the facility.

The vice chairman also urged the relevant units to work out plans, complete essential procedures and prepare sufficient equipment in order to put the field hospital into operation by this weekend.

The provincial Military Command and relevant agencies were also required to closely coordinate, map out a plan to set up the field hospital and collect feedback from the Military Region 4 about requisitioning the college as a field hospital.

The working team led by Binh also surveyed other places in Lang Co Town of Phu Loc District to serve the purpose of setting up more Covid field hospitals.

HCM City launches advisory panel on COVID-19 medical response 

he HCM City Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control has launched an advisory panel on COVID-19 treatment composed of health professionals and leaders from top hospitals, medical universities and the Department of Health.

Nguyễn Thành Phong, chairman of the city’s People’s Committee and head of the Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control, on Monday signed a decision on establishing the panel, which will provide advice to the committee on the formulation and implementation of treatment plans for COVID-19 patients.

This panel aims to play an important role in reducing the COVID-19 death rate.

It will also provide advice to the committee on the COVID-19 medical response in certain periods and protocols on health care for COVID-19 patients who quarantine at home.

The experts on the panel will also conduct telemedicine and remote consultancies, and offer training to doctors and nurses to improve their skills in respiratory and intensive care.

Deputy director of the Department of Health Tăng Chí Thượng is the head of the 19-member panel.

Also on Monday, the city’s People’s Committee launched a centre for hospital bed allocation and investment in COVID-19 treatment facilities.

Deputy chairman of the People’s Committee Lê Hòa Bình was assigned to be the head of the centre, which will monitor the allocation of hospital beds at COVID-19 treatment facilities in the city.

It will ensure stable supplies of medical devices and equipment as well as oxygen supplies to COVID-19 treatment facilities.  

Hanoi remains at high risk of COVID-19 community infection

The capital is still facing a high risk of further COVID-19 community outbreaks due to a number of F0 cases being detected among the locals following the deployment of a recent mass testing campaign.

Pandemic-free green zones are considered safe areas, with no cases or risk of infection.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Dac Phu, deputy director of Hanoi Centre for Disease Control, revealed that 300,000 test samples have been taken for screening over the past week, with a number of fever cases being discovered in several high-risk areas.

Hanoi capital has been implementing a range of drastic measures in recent times in an effort to contain the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic as soon as possible, Phu said.

He therefore urged local residents to make medical declarations when showing symptoms of cough, fever, and difficulty breathing in order for samples to be taken for testing as a means of swiftly detecting COVID-19 cases.

Furthermore, there must be strict controls put on people at quarantine checkpoints on roads and streets.

The capital has also effectively been deploying "Green Zones", with the aim of separating F0 cases from the wider community. These pandemic-free green zones are considered safe areas, with no cases or risk of infection.

He went on to emphasise the importance of implementing social distancing measures whilst following the Ministry of Health’s 5K message. This includes khau trang (face masks), khu khuan (disinfection), khoang cach (distancing), khong tu tap (no gatherings), and khai bao y te (health declarations) to eradicate the source of infection.

Moreover, drastic measures should also be taken to avoid the risk of cluster infections emerging at banks and post offices, along with among shippers and suppliers of goods to supermarkets.

It is essential to continue deploying large-scale testing, with a primary focus on high-risk areas and speeding up vaccination, Phu stated.

Vietnam sentences three Lao men to death for drug trafficking

The People’s Court of Ha Tinh Province on August 16 handed out death penalties to three Lao men aged between 25 and 31 for transporting more than 50 kilograms of drugs in the province.

According to the verdict, on October 4, 2019, border guards of the province in collaboration with other forces caught Kieng Kham Ten Lu Hien driving a car carrying 45 kilograms of methamphetamine, six kilograms of synthetic drugs and 30 packs of heroin weighing around 350 grams each along National Highway 8A in Son Kim 1 Commune, Huong Son District.

Lu Hien said Xay Dang and Nenh Xong were his accomplices. After Hien’s testimony, less than an hour later, the task force caught Dang and Xong traveling in another car in Quang Diem Commune, Huong Son District.

The three men said they were hired by a Lao man to transport drugs from the Cau Treo International Border Gate in Huong Son District, Ha Tinh Province, to a business partner in the province for US$2,000 each.

Vietnam is a popular drug trafficking hub in the region. Drugs are transported from the Golden Triangle through Vietnam to Taiwan, the Philippines, Malaysia and even Europe, Australia and Latin America.

According to the American Addiction Centers, Vietnam is among 20 countries with the harshest drug laws in the world.

Deputy Minister of National Defence receives Chinese Ambassador

Deputy Minister of National Defence Sen. Lt. Gen. Hoang Xuan Chien received Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam Xiong Bo in Hanoi on August 17.

Xiong conveyed Chinese Minister of National Defence Sen. Lt. Gen. Wei Fenghe's letter to the Vietnamese Ministry of National Defence, informing that the Central Military Commission and Ministry of National Defense of China have decided to present 200,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine to the Vietnam People’s Army.

As scheduled, the Chinese side will transport the vaccine to Vietnam on August 23.

Xiong affirmed that understanding Vietnam’s difficulties in pandemic prevention and control, China is willing to support and cooperate with Vietnam in the provision of medical supplies and vaccines, and vaccine production technology transfer.

Appreciating China’s assistance, Chien stressed that despite COVID-19, the cooperation between the two nations and armies have been sustained and growing fruitfully, ensuring their collaboration plans set for 2021.

The Chinese Ministry of National Defense’s donation of vaccine reflected the mutual solidarity and assistance between the two armies and showed that their relationship is always a pillar in the Vietnam – China comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, he said.

Both host and guest took the occasion to discuss international and regional matters of common concern and reached agreement on a number of orientations for bilateral defence cooperation in the time to come./.

Government asks to quickly control pandemic and ensure economic recovery

Quickly keeping the COVID-19 pandemic under control and supporting businesses and people affected by the pandemic, particularly ensuring enough food and essential needs for all residents, are part of the freshly issued Resolution of the recent Government meeting on the socio-economic situation in the first seven months of the year.

The resolution proposes measures to support businesses to apply the “three on-site” model (working, eating and resting at the factory/workplace), urges credit institutions to continue supporting customers affected by COVID-19, and guides the organisation of the 2021-22 academic year in line with the real condition of the pandemic.

The Government urges ministries, agencies and localities to resolutely, comprehensively and effectively implement measures on COVID-19 prevention and control following Party and State resolutions, including the Government Resolution No 68 issued on August 6 with the top priority to keep the pandemic under control in localities that are seriously affected by COVID-19, putting the health and life of people at the forefront, and not letting health and socio-economic crises happen.

The resolution asks to continue flexibly and effectively implementing the dual goals of containing outbreaks and keeping the economy on track, maintaining and developing production and business activities in areas safe from the pandemic while continuing measures to maintain macro-economy, curbing inflation, and ensuring social security.

The Government agreed that in July, although the COVID-19 pandemic had spread more quickly, strongly, and dangerously with the appearance of the Delta variant, seriously affecting socio-economic activities and the health and lives of the people, the country still recorded important achievements thanks to the determination and joint efforts of the entire political system, Government and society.   

However, the resolution says the country still faces many difficulties and challenges as the pandemic continues to develop complicatedly, threatening the health and lives of people and affecting socio-economic development, urging for more efforts and effective solutions in the remaining months of the year in order to fulfil targets set for 2021.

The resolution asks ministries, agencies, and localities to continue implementing tasks and solutions set for 2021 in Party, National Assembly and Government resolutions as well as PM directions.

The Ministry of Planning and Investment is tasked to review and identify difficulties facing production and business activities to soon submit to the Government to issue a Resolution on supporting and developing businesses in the current context and soon submit to the Government for approval the investment policy for the national target programme on socio-economic development for ethnic minority-inhabited regions during the 2021-2030 period.

The Government requires the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs to coordinate with ministries, agencies and localities to continue implementing Resolution No 68 on supporting employers and employees affected by COVID-19, take care of people, particularly disadvantaged and vulnerable groups and those rendering services to the country, and have measures in place to create jobs for those workers who are unemployed due to COVID-19.

The Ministry of Trade and Industry is entrusted to guide businesses to build and implement plans to resume operations in line with the situation of the pandemic, tackle barriers for import and export activities and carry out measures to help promote the development of the domestic market and ensuring supply of fuels and materials for production and essential goods for people.

The Government asks the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to promote vaccine diplomacy and the Ministries of National Defence and Public Security to ensure security and order and support the prevention and control of the pandemic.

The Ministry of Information and Communications is directed to strengthen dissemination campaigns and counter false allegations from hostile forces. 

Apart from Government support policies, localities are encouraged to have more plans, depending on their available resources, to ensure social security and assist people affected by the pandemic.

The Government urges ministries, agencies and localities to promptly and strictly implement this Resolution and regularly review results to report to Government and the Prime Minister emerging issues. 

President chairs meeting on implementation of 2021 amnesty decision

President Nguyen Xuan Phuc chaired a meeting with the Central Advisory Council on Amnesty (CACA) and leaders of relevant ministries and agencies on August 17 to ensure the implementation of the amnesty decision in 2021 on schedule amid complicated developments of the COVID-19 pandemic.

President Phuc hailed CACA and inter-sectoral working teams for offering consultancy to the Government and localities to carry out the decision seriously, promptly and in line with the law.

The President asked CACA to ensure the implementation progress as planned, and continue overseeing the work to prevent unqualified prisoners from being named in the amnesty list.

Further attention must be paid to popularising the significance of the 2021 amnesty on the occasion of the 76th National Day (September 2), especially helping freed prisoners reintegrate into the community and multiplying good examples, he said.

The Ministry of Public Security is responsible for directing units in provinces and cities safeguard national security, ensure social safety and order, combat COVID-19 and prevent the pandemic from spreading in detention areas. It was also asked to vaccinate all prisoners when conditions allow.

Earlier, on June 30, the President issued the decision on the occasion of the National Day./.

Quang Ninh speeding up vaccination campaign


The northern province of Quang Ninh is working hard to inoculate 90 percent of its population against COVID-19 by the end of this year. As of August 16, seven vaccination phases had been carried out, with more than 262,000 doses administered.

Residents and workers in the province are willing to be vaccinated no matter the vaccine. As of August 15, Quang Ninh had basically completed the second doses of Verocell vaccine for workers at industrial parks.

Along with workers, residents, and traders, Chinese experts in the province have also received a second shot of Verocell.

Quang Ninh is giving top priority to vaccinating local people in border areas such as Mong Cai city, Binh Lieu district, and Dam Ha district. It has documented very few cases of anaphylaxis caused by the vaccination, and has provided timely treatment when needed.

Uniform measures, including the “5K message” from the Ministry of Health, vaccinations, and examinations, have been implemented around the province. More than 169,000 people have received their first shot of vaccine and over 92,000 have received the second in the seven vaccination phases. This is the largest vaccination campaign ever rolled out in Quang Ninh province, and is expected to help it stay safe to expand production and recover its economy./.

HCM City finds more COVID cases in community instead of locked down or quarantined areas

As more COVID-19 cases are being detected in the community rather than primarily in locked down or quarantined areas, HCM City districts have been urged to speed up vaccinations.

Speaking at an online meeting on Monday, Nguyễn Thành Phong, chairman of the city People's Committee, said: “The number of new cases in recent days has been detected mostly in the community, instead of in locked down or quarantined areas, as was seen previously.”

Despite strict social distancing measures imposed for more than two months, the country’s COVID hotspot has continued to record a high daily number, bringing the total caseload to more than 152,600 since the start of the fourth wave.

“Of 3,341 infections detected on August 16, the number of cases detected in the community accounted for 53 per cent, higher than in the locked down areas,” Phong said.

He urged authorities in all city districts to speed up vaccinations so that the city could return to a "new normal" as soon as possible.

Phong told district authorities to work with wards and communes to compile figures on vulnerable people who need timely support. “Most people who have no income after losing their job in the past few months should be taken care of so that no one is left behind.” 

Social distancing measures must be strictly followed, he said. People are asked to “stay where they are”, especially in locked down areas.

The city has provided one million social welfare packages to disadvantaged people during the social distancing period. “Districts must ensure that social security packages reach everyone who needs it," Phong said.

Secretary of the City Party Committee Nguyễn Văn Nên said the situation was very serious. “This is like going through a COVID thunderstorm.”

"The war has 30 days remaining, and there is only one way to overcome it, and that is to defeat it," Nên said, referring to the deadline of ending Directive 16 in mid-September. 

The city aims to vaccinate at least 70 per cent of people aged 18 and above (with one dose) and fully vaccinate 15 per cent (with two doses) by September 15.

It plans to begin vaccinating people aged 12-18 from September if there is a suitable vaccine source, according to city authorities.

However, experts have warned that even with a high vaccination rate, people need to continue to practise social distancing measures. 

According to HCM City Police, about 1 million people have been going out on foot and on vehicles daily. About 120,000 vehicles are on the streets every day. Of the number, people who are allowed to transport essential goods, including drivers for delivery apps, account for more than 50,000 people a day. 

The number is expected to rise as the city had allowed more people in eligible priority groups to go out from Monday (Aug 16). 

Priority groups include vaccination forces, emergency aid and COVID-19 prevention and control forces; staff at supermarkets and food stores; reporters and newspaper delivery people; sanitation workers, workers who fix electricity and other infrastructure problems; drivers of essential transport vehicles; and workers at gas stations at city borders.

The city’s functional forces will continue to strengthen patrols and supervise people’s compliance with COVID-19 prevention and control measures.

According to the HCM City Road and Railway Traffic Police Department, from June 1 to August 13, the city’s traffic police handled 14,820 violations of Directive 16, fining violators a total VNĐ30 billion (US$1.31 million). 

There were 570 cases of failing to wear masks in public places, with total fines of VNĐ1 billion, the department said.

The traffic police force is continuing inspections with mobile barriers at checkpoints on city streets. They will control unnecessary movement and fine violators of pandemic prevention measures.

Labour confederation provide aid worth over 1.22 trillion VND to pandemic-hit workers

Trade union organisations under the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour (VGCL) have so far spent more than 1.22 trillion VND (53.38 million USD) from the VGCL's budget and raised donations to help over 1 million members, particularly workers, to overcome COVID-19-related difficulties.

The figures were released at a press conference on the VGCL’s activities to support pandemic-hit workers over the past time.

Of the money spent, over 494.98 billion VND were channeled into COVID-19 prevention and control work of the country, and over 257.46 billion VND donated to the COVID-19 vaccine fund.

VGCL Vice President Ngo Duy Hieu, who chaired the press conference, also reported that more than 1 million trade union members at 7,941 units and enterprises have been vaccinated to date.

He noted that the VGCL has promptly issued a series of support policies such as Decision 2606/QD-TLD on May 19 regarding urgent assistance for trade union members affected by the pandemic, and Decision 3040/QD-TLD on August 11 on supplementing meal costs for medical workers engaging in the battle against the pandemic in 19 southern provinces and cities.

It also allowed the Labour Federations in the pandemic-hit areas of Ho Chi Minh City, Dong Nai, Binh Duong, and Long An to spend 61.5 billion VND from their budget to buy 410,000 aid packages of goods and necessities for disadvantaged workers in quarantined and lockdown sites.

Meanwhile, many assistance models, like the 'zero-dong supermarket' and 'social welfare bag', have been set up to help the group buy goods and receive financial aid.

The VGCL also instructed its chapters in provinces and cities to join in the organisation and supervision of the delivery of the Government's support package to labourers./.

Military medics deployed to help localities in COVID-19 fight

The General Department of Logistics's Military Medical Department has devised a plan to ensure military medics to maintain the safety of Hanoi and northern provinces amid complicated developments of the COVID-19 pandemic, in addition to sending staff to support southern localities.

Director of the department Maj. Gen. Nguyen Xuan Kien said in Hanoi, the army deployed over 1,500 officers and soldiers, including more than 400 working at 22 checkpoints, and set up three quarantine facilities currently serving 1,233 people. Since April 1, more than 30 soldiers have transported 14,656 people to concentrated quarantine facilities.

The army also established 143 teams to collect samples for COVID-19 testing and set up seven testing labs with 25 RT-PCR machines with a daily capacity of 10,000 samples. Since August 11, 24 out of 134,557 tested samples have been found positive to coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. As many as 38 vaccination and 13 intensive care teams were also established, giving over 14,000 vaccine shots.

The Central Military Hospital 108, the Military Hospital 103 and the National Institute of Burns will be ready to treat critically ill COVID-19 patients with 300-500 beds each.

The Military Hospitals 354 and 105 and the Military Institute of Traditional Medicine will offer 300-500 beds each to treat patients in moderate and serious conditions while setting up 135 testing, 82 vaccination and 27 intensive care teams if necessary.

In northern provinces, the army plans to deploy over 21,000 beds to treat patients in mild, moderate, serious and critical conditions, Kien said, adding that they are also ready to cope with a scenario with 500,000 COVID-19 patients and more.

The General Department of Logistics also suggested purchasing 17 items of equipment and materials for the fight against the pandemic, especially for the establishment of temporary COVID-19 treatment hospitals./.

Ambassador congratulates Lao journalists on Media and Publication Day

Vietnamese Ambassador to Laos Nguyen Ba Hung and representatives from Vietnamese press agencies' offices in Laos on August 17 came to the Lao Journalists’ Association (LJA) to congratulate them on the 71st anniversary of the Lao Media and Publication Day (August 13).

Appreciating great contributions of the Lao press to the struggle for national independence and development of Laos during the past 71 years, Ambassador Hung affirmed that the Lao press has not only well disseminated and promoted the guidelines and policies of the Lao Party and State to Lao people and international friends, but also made great contributions to preserving and nurturing the great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam - Laos.

He expressed his delight at the fine coordination between the Vietnamese and Lao press despite negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

He said he hopes that the two countries’ press agencies will continue to cooperate closely and support each other to fulfil their communication task and contribute to helping the two peoples, especially young generations, understand the special relationship of the two countries.

Director General of the Lao National Radio Phosy Keomanivong attributed the development of the Lao press to the great support of Vietnam.

To date, all major Lao press agencies have closely partnered with Vietnamese press agencies. The two sides maintain the regular exchange of experience and information and Vietnam continues to support Laos in terms of technical facilities as well as human resources training, he added.

On this occasion, representatives of the two nations’ press agencies discussed how to cooperate and coordinate better in communication work in major events of the two countries, especially in the Year of Friendship and Solidarity 2022./.

Localities asked to swiftly support COVID-19 affected people

The Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs has asked localities that have been imposing social distancing measures in line with the Prime Minister's Directive to actively provide support in cash and essential necessities for COVID-19 affected people.

According to the ministry's document sent to chairmen of the People's Committees of 23 provinces and cities under social distancing, the pandemic’s complicated developments have been affecting the lives of people, especially the poor, social policy beneficiaries, low-income labourers, and those from other localities living and working in the localities.

Localities asked to swiftly support COVID-19 affected people hinh anh 2
A member of the Red Cross Society of Hanoi hands over the aid to a local (Photo: VNA)

To ensure social security for the people and labourers, the MoLISA asked chairmen of the People's Committees of the localities to direct and implement support polices for them in accordance with the Government's Resolution No. 68/NQ-CP and Decree No. 20/2021/ND-CP.

The localities were also asked to mobilise the Fatherland Front committees, socio-political organisations and individuals to organise channels for supplying food, essential necessities to people in areas under social distancing order.

The MoLISA has also suggested localities to exempt and reduce electricity and water fees for the affected people, and swiftly and fully provide emergency support as regulated in Decree No. 20/2021/ND-CP on social assistance policies.

In case of force majeure, if people have to return to their hometown, the ministry requested agencies and organisations where they reside to coordinate with authorities in their hometowns to provide food, drinking water for and arrange vehicles to transport them, and strictly implement regulations on COVID-19 prevention and control./.

Hanoi strives to secure higher satisfaction of public services

The People’s Committee of Hanoi has ordered local public agencies to take stronger actions to improve its Satisfaction Index of Public Administration Services (SIPAS).

With a rate of 85.15 percent, Hanoi ranked 33rd among the 63 provinces and cities nationwide in the 2020 satisfaction index, up 19 places from the 2019 rankings, according to the survey conducted by the Ministry of Home Affairs.

It recorded better performance in all the five criteria of SIPAS, namely access to public administrative services, results of the settlement of administrative procedures, task performance by civil servants, results of the provision of public administrative services, and the reception and settlement of opinions and petitions.

However, some of those criteria still fared worse than the national average, including access to services, civil servants’ performance, and results of the settlement of administrative procedures.

To raise Hanoi’s position in the SIPAS rankings, Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee Chu Ngoc Anh has requested departments, sectors, and administrations of district-level localities to work out solutions to current shortcomings and strive to fulfill the tasks on SIPAS improvement set for this year and the 2021 - 2026 period.

They need to better implement the “single window” and “inter-agency single-window” mechanisms in line with regulations set by the Government; increase the number of inter-agency administrative procedures; prevent overdue settlement of administrative procedures; step up the application of information technology to administrative procedure management and settlement; and maintain quality management system TCVN ISO 9001:2015 at all departments, sectors, and district- and communal-level People’s Committees.

Authorities were also told to survey individuals and collectives’ satisfaction of administrative agencies’ services, increase dialogue with people and businesses via mass media outlets, and expand channels through which people and businesses can monitor their reception and settlement of administrative procedures.

Recently, the city mayor signed a decision on the establishment of a working group on improving the Public Administration Reform (PAR) Index and SIPAS of Hanoi for the 2021 - 2025 period.

This working group is tasked with coordinating with relevant agencies to advise the chairperson about necessary solutions and tasks to achieve better indexes.

Vo Hai Long, Deputy Director of the Hanoi Institute for Socio-Economic Development Studies, said to secure people’s higher satisfaction of public administrative agencies, the city should keep promoting its cadres and civil servants’ awareness, discipline, and occupational ethics while enhancing the transparency of state agencies’ operations.

It is also necessary to strengthen agency leaders’ sense of responsibility and seriously deal with those whose agencies show bureaucracy and corruption, especially in handling licensing, business registration, export - import, taxation, customs, and land use right certification procedures.

Hanoi should provide more online public services at Levels 3 and 4 and boost communications to help people access online services. It also needs to ensure that civil servants who directly meet citizens or handle complaints and denunciations have good knowledge of laws, as well as good communication and problem-solving skills, according to Long.

Apart from efforts to raise its SIPAS rankings, Hanoi is also working hard to raise its Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI).

Earlier this year, the municipal People’s Committee issued Directive No 14/CT-UBND on improving the PCI performance in 2021. It demanded that departments, sectors, and district-level authorities invest resources in dealing with the sub-indexes experiencing a downward trend and those ranking “low” or “mid-low” last year.

They were told to take drastic measures to raise the indexes of “entry costs” and “access to land”, which plunged last year.

In particular, they need to have all business registration dossiers handled online, ensure the settlement of business registration procedures completed on schedule or ahead of schedule, publicise such procedures, increase the training of civil servants to boost the quality of guidance provided to people and enterprises, and press on with streamlining land-related administrative procedures./.

MIC launches programme to support COVID-19 hit people in HCM City

About 160 billion VND (7 million USD) has been raised from businesses during a programme launched by the Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) on August 17 to support people affected by COVID-19 in Ho Chi Minh City.

The ministry has called for the engagement of big firms such as VNPT, Viettel Telecom, T&T Group, MBank, Vietnam Post and Viettel Post in the programme, which will run until September 15.

The programme targets poor people and those facing difficulties due to COVID-19 in HCM City, the current largest hotspot of the pandemic. Basing on the list of beneficiaries made by the municipal Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee, Vietnam Post and Viettel Post will coordinate with local authorities to deliver gifts of necessities worth 300,000 VND each.

More than 533,000 people are expected to benefit from the programme.

The MIC earlier directed major post and communication firms to join hands in supporting the needy by providing free food and foodstuffs to residents in some southern localities undertaking social distancing. As of August 16, 509.7 tonnes of food worth over 8.68 billion VND had been handed over to nearly 233,000 people.

Along with the activities, the ministry has requested other businesses, especially those in telecommunication sector, to apply measures to assist the Government, the Ministry of Education and Training and Ministry of Health as well as people and frontline forces in the COVID-19 fight in different forms./.

Thua Thien Hue to pilot night-time economic activities in Con Toc area

The Thua Thien Hue Provincial People's Committee has approved the piloting of night-time economic activities in the Con Toc area of Quang Loi Commune, Quang Dien District, in an effort to promote tourism and service and trade activities in the area.

The move also aims to develop Quang Dien District into an attractive destination for nightlife for tourists.

The pilot programme will be implemented for about 1 to 2 years in line with the current regulations on the management of night markets in the province.

The provincial People's Committee assigned the Department of Industry and Trade to coordinate with relevant departments and sectors in providing local authorities with guidance for implementing the pilot project and inspecting its deployment.

The People's Committee of Quang Dien District are requested to report on the project’s socio-economic benefits after the pilot implementation period for consideration on making further investment.

Located next to Tam Giang Lagoon, which is known as the largest lagoon in Southeast Asia, Con Toc has risen to become an attractive tourist destination for tourists in recent years thanks to its pristine and poetic landscape.

15km from the centre of Hue City, it is an ideal place for visitors to admire stunning sunrises and sunsets. Tourists to Con Toc can also visit Con Toc Wharf and the Epark-Tam Giang Lagoon entertainment area as well as taste fresh seafood.

South African journalist hails Vietnam’s stance on maritime security

South Africa’s The Diplomatic Society on August 16 posted an article by the site’s founder and Editor-in-Chief Kirtan Bhana, appreciating the stances of Vietnam and India on maritime security.

In the article, Kirtan Bhana stressed that at the first-ever UN Security Council Open Debate on Enhancing Maritime Security, which was held virtually on August 9, Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh acknowledged the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) as the Constitution of Oceans and Seas, the universal and unified legal framework within which all activities in the oceans and seas must be carried out, and the basis for international cooperation to address common challenges in the world.

PM Chinh highlighted traditional and non-traditional security challenges at sea, including terrorism, criminal acts, especially organised crime, climate change, sea level rise and pollution of the marine environment, adding that unilateral acts that violate international law, even threats or uses of force, have escalated tensions and affected peace, friendship, security, safety and freedom of navigation and trade, as well as efforts to address non-traditional security challenges.

The journalist also quoted Chinh’s three proposals at the open debate. Firstly, it is imperative that states and international organisations develop a comprehensive, extensive and broad awareness of the importance of oceans and seas, and the threats to maritime security. Secondly, maritime security is a global issue and therefore requires global solutions to be provided by a network of arrangements and initiatives for regional maritime security with the United Nations working as the coordinator, to bolster information and experience sharing, coordinate actions, and address common challenges in a timely manner, And thirdly, the policies, regulations and conducts of states at sea must be in line with international law, especially the UN Charter and the 1982 UNCLOS.

Vietnam’s PM also re-affirmed the country consistently pursues a foreign policy of peace, independence, self-reliance, multilateralization and diversification of international relations, as a trusted friend and partner, and a reliable member of the international community. Vietnam stands ready to cooperate, exchange information and share experience with other countries in efforts to address maritime security issues and to contribute positively to the maintenance of a peaceful and secured maritime environment, and sustainable development in the region and the world, the author wrote.

He also cited the speech by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi as the rotating Chair of the UNSC in August and the chair of the open debate “Enhancing Maritime Security – A Case for International Cooperation”./.

HCM City receives more assistance for COVID-19 fight

Ho Chi Minh City, the country’s current largest COVID-19 hotspot, has received vehicles and medical devices to help it contain the spread of the pandemic.

The COVID-19 prevention and control fund of the city on August 17 received ten 29-seater buses totalling 10 billion VND (437,610 USD) donated by the BRG Group and the Southeast Asia Commercial Joint Stock Bank (SeABank).

Five of them were presented to the municipal Department of Health and the rest to relevant agencies which are working to bring COVID-19 under control in the southern hub.

Earlier, the Ho Chi Minh City Power Corporation (EVN HCMC) presented 2,000 personal protective clothing sets, 500 3M face masks, 500 face shields, and 1,920 N95 masks to the COVID-19 treatment hospital No.12 in Thu Duc city.

It was part of a programme to hand over essential medical equipment worth more than 2.6 billion VND to COVID-19 treatment hospitals from donations by the EVN HCMC staff.

From March 20, 2020 to the end of August 16, the HCM City COVID-19 prevention and control fund received in excess of 2.34 trillion VND from people from all walks of life.

Of them, nearly 1.25 trillion VND was in the form of medical devices such as Real-time PCR testing systems, oxygen concentrators, and antigen test kits, among others./.

Hanoi remains at high risk of COVID-19 community infection

The capital is still facing a high risk of further COVID-19 community outbreaks due to a number of F0 cases being detected among the locals following the deployment of a recent mass testing campaign.

Pandemic-free green zones are considered safe areas, with no cases or risk of infection.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Dac Phu, deputy director of Hanoi Centre for Disease Control, revealed that 300,000 test samples have been taken for screening over the past week, with a number of fever cases being discovered in several high-risk areas.

Hanoi capital has been implementing a range of drastic measures in recent times in an effort to contain the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic as soon as possible, Phu said.

He therefore urged local residents to make medical declarations when showing symptoms of cough, fever, and difficulty breathing in order for samples to be taken for testing as a means of swiftly detecting COVID-19 cases.

Furthermore, there must be strict controls put on people at quarantine checkpoints on roads and streets.

The capital has also effectively been deploying "Green Zones", with the aim of separating F0 cases from the wider community. These pandemic-free green zones are considered safe areas, with no cases or risk of infection.

He went on to emphasise the importance of implementing social distancing measures whilst following the Ministry of Health’s 5K message. This includes khau trang (face masks), khu khuan (disinfection), khoang cach (distancing), khong tu tap (no gatherings), and khai bao y te (health declarations) to eradicate the source of infection.

Moreover, drastic measures should also be taken to avoid the risk of cluster infections emerging at banks and post offices, along with among shippers and suppliers of goods to supermarkets.

It is essential to continue deploying large-scale testing, with a primary focus on high-risk areas and speeding up vaccination, Phu stated.

10 Vietnamese photos honoured on Instagram

A collection of 10 photos depicting Vietnamese culture taken by local photographer Tran Tuan Viet have been posted by @earthpix, Instagram’s largest travel account with over 20 million followers.

“Have you visited Vietnam? Or is it on your bucket list? Unfortunately Vietnam is not open for tourists yet. Hopefully they will open soon,” says the post by travel account @earthpix.

The photos snapped by Tuan Viet on his tours around Vietnamese cities and provinces include shots from Hanoi, Hue, Dong Thap, An Giang, and Bac Lieu, all of which have received plenty of praise from the wider international community.

Tuan Viet, 38, is notable for winning a number of prizes, such as the 15th Smithsonian magazine annual photo contest in 2018, along with the world’s best photos of #Fun2020 of Agora Images last year.

National team to play friendlies against U22s

The Vietnamese national men’s football team will play a series of friendly matches against the U22 squad in preparation for the final round of Asian qualifiers for the 2022 FIFA World Cup.

The friendlies are scheduled to be held while both the senior and U22 teams are participating in their respective training camps at the Vietnam Youth Football Training Centre in Hanoi.

It is hoped that the fixtures will provide head coach Park Hang-seo clarity as he seeks to finalise the list of footballers who will make the squad for the remaining international games this year.

Some of the upcoming matches include the World Cup qualifiers, the ASEAN Football Federation (AFF) Suzuki Cup, and the Southeast Asian (SEA) Games.

This comes after earlier this year friendly matches had been played between the senior team and the U22 due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic making it too challenging for the Vietnam Football Federation (VFF) to find any foreign teams to play against.

Head coach Park Hang-seo’s men will begin the final round of World Cup qualification games with an away match against Saudi Arabia on September 2, followed by a home match against Australia in Hanoi on September 7.

The national team are set to fly to Saudi Arabia on August 27 ahead of the game.

Winter likely to arrive early this year

Cold spells are forecast to arrive earlier than usual this year, with the average temperature in winter likely to be lower than last year, according to the National Centre for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting.

This year the first cold air is anticipated to hit the nation in late September and early October. The centre has also forecast that there will be three or four cold spells hitting the country, the majority of which will arrive between December and February, 2022.

According to the information released by the centre, a colder winter likely lies ahead and is scheduled to arrive earlier than usual due to the sea surface temperature of the Pacific Ocean dropping to form the La Niña phenomenon.

La Niña is an ocean-atmosphere phenomenon characterised by lower sea surface temperatures across the eastern-central Pacific Ocean. This impacts global weather, triggering droughts and storms of greater intensity in several locations around the world. 

The centre stated that in late August, northern and central regions will continue to endure several heat waves.

Dispatch on COVID-19 pandemic prevention at offices sent to agencies

The Ministry of Health has sent a dispatch on the prevention and control of COVID-19 at offices to ministries, State and Government agencies, city and provincial people's committees, the ministry reported on Tuesday.

Signed by the Deputy Minister of Health Đỗ Xuân Tuyên, the urgent dispatch requires offices and agencies to proactively detect and promptly handle COVID-19 (F0) cases and suspected COVID-19 close contacts (F1) and F2.

It aims to ensure safety and limit the impact of the pandemic on the operation of agencies.

Heads of the agencies will direct and be responsible for pandemic prevention and control at offices; proactively plan logistics, isolation, testing and treatment to respond promptly. 

The agencies will set up a steering committee for COVID-19 prevention and control, led by the head of the unit.

The committee will be the focal point to advise and implement pandemic prevention and control work.

"COVID-19 safety teams" of each agency also will be set up, including members who are Trade Union and Youth Union members. Each team has 3-5 members with the leader the head of the trade or youth union.

The agencies require employees to notify when they have contacted F0 or F1 cases.

In case of employees working and staying in localities, unit leaders must notify the local departments of health, the provincial centres for disease control of the relevant localities for management and monitoring of their health.

Agencies should not arrange work for people who have a symptom such as fatigue, fever, cough, sore throat, difficulty breathing and are F1 or F2 cases.

Agencies must carry out medical declarations via QR code in the office.

Agencies also will set up temporary isolation rooms for employees and guests who have symptoms or who have contacted COVID-19 cases.

The isolation room, with good ventilation, a sink, bin and a separate toilet area, must be far from the working area.

At least 20 per cent of high-risk employees (receptionists or those coming into contact with guests daily) at each agency must be tested for SARS-CoV-2 each week using a RT-PCR test.

The ministry also encourages agencies to reduce the number of people working in offices, increase online meetings and working from home. 

Truck driver detained for transporting corpses out of Ho Chi Minh City

The Ho Chi Minh City Military Command is investigating the transportation of 46 bodies including those of 41 Covid-19 patients from the city to Ben Tre Province for cremation.

According to police in Ben Tre Province, Le Phuc Hau, 29, transported 46 bodies on a truck from Ho Chi Minh City to Phuc Lac Vien Crematorium on two days of August 15 and August 16. 

The crematorium on August 16 reported the incident to local police and the driver was detained.

Speaking to the police, Hau said that on August 15 he transported the first 18 bodies which were collected from different places in Ho Chi Minh City to two crematoriums in Hau Giang and Long An provinces but they were refused due to lack of capacity. He then went on to Phuc Lac Vien Crematorium and the bodies were accepted there.

On August 16 the truck driver continued to transport 28 bodies on two trips from Ho Chi Minh City to the crematorium, which then reported to local police.

After investigations, Ben Tre Police found that 41 out of the 46 bodies were Covid-19 patients. Hau was detained for violating regulations on Covid-19 prevention and control.

The police said that Hau had a travel permit which allowed some vehicles to travel during the ongoing social distancing period in Ho Chi Minh City. Therefore he easily passed many checkpoints on the way.
Speaking with Dantri/Dtinews on the afternoon of August 17, chairman of Ben Tre City People's Committee, Huynh Vinh Khanh said that they had locked down the Phuc Lac Vien Crematorium for disinfection and carrying out Covid-19 testing for all staff. 

Commenting on the incident, the Ho Chi Minh City Military Command said that they would co-operate with police in Ben Tre in their investigations.

At present, Covid-19 patients who died at hospitals and at locked-down areas in Ho Chi Minh City are being supported with cremation and memorial services by local authorities. Their ashes are given to families by the Ho Chi Minh City Military Command.

The families of patients who died at home in other areas are also receiving financial support for cremation services.

Two contests launched to spotlight COVID-19 fight

The Vietnam General Confederation of Labour (VGCL) launched two contests on August 17 with the aim to promote the spirit of solidarity and sharing of the Vietnamese people as well as to encourage their determination to realise the dual goals of fighting the pandemic and ensuring economic development. 

Accordingly, the contest entitled ‘Giai Dieu Noi Tuyen Dau’ (Melodies in the Frontline) calls on musicians to compose songs on the COVID-19 battle with a focus on the determination, efforts, and unity of the entire Party, people and army as well as the strong belief and consensus of the whole country towards achieving victory against the pandemic.

The entries should also praise exemplary models who are braving difficulties and obstacles to protect people’s health, safety and lives.

Entries will be accepted from August 19 until October 1, 2021. The award ceremony is scheduled to take place in mid-October.

Meanwhile, the video making contest themed ‘Thoi Khac Kho Quen’ (Unforgettable Moments) encourages entrants to produce video clips, up to three minutes in length, featuring the Party and State’s guidelines on COVID-19 prevention and control.

The videos must be posted on the TikTok social media platform with hashtags #blousetrang and #khoanhkhackhoquen. Each competitor can publish no more than three videos from September 1 to 30, 2021. Winners of the contest will be announced on October 5.

Speaking at the launch ceremony, VGCL Vice President Ngo Duy Hieu said that the two contests seek to popularise successful models and effective solutions in pandemic prevention while documenting the silent sacrifices and difficulties facing frontline forces, including medical workers, armed forces and trade union officials, in the battle against COVID-19.

They also aim to raise public awareness of COVID-19 prevention and control and raise social consensus in driving back the pandemic.

Mekong Delta’s largest ICU center put into operation

A 200-bed ICU Recovery Center set up at the Can Tho Central General Hospital in Can Tho City has been put into service and admitted the first two severely-ill Covid-19 patients.

The two patients were confirmed to be infected with the coronavirus on July 23 and August 1. They were transferred to the ICU Recovery Center from the Can Tho City General Hospital while they were going through septic shock, severe pneumonia, respiratory failure and were falling into a coma, said Pham Thanh Phong, deputy director of the Can Tho Central General Hospital.

This ICU Recovery Center, the largest of its kind in the Mekong Delta, is among the 12 national ICU Recovery Centers established across the country by the Ministry of Health. It is in charge of receiving and treating severely- and critically-ill coronavirus patients in the delta.

The facility was set up in two weeks. It is equipped with a wide selection of hi-tech medical equipment.

The Can Tho Central General Hospital has sent nearly 100 medical workers who were well trained to treat coronavirus patients to the center.

As for the Covid situation in Can Tho, the city has reported more than 3,300 infections since July 8, and 22 local hospitals are treating Covid patients, with over 5,600 beds. Up to now, 1,405 cases have fully recovered, while 46 others had died.

Buddhist monks volunteer to help with COVID-19 fight

The Vietnam Buddhist Sangha (VBS) on August 17 organised a send-off for ten Buddhist monks who volunteer to join hands with COVID-19 frontline forces in the southern pandemic-hit province of Long An.

The monks from the northern province of Nam Dinh are set to serve at the Long An COVID-19 treatment hospital.

At the event, Venerable Thich Thanh Nhieu, Vice Standing Chairman of the VBS, lauded the monks’ noble deeds and wished them health and success.

The monks said they want to help care for COVID-19 patients under the guidance of the provincial Health Department and the hospital.

In the past time, the Buddhist community has joined public agencies and local administrations in efforts to stop the pandemic via donations to the COVID-19 vaccine fund, charity activities, and volunteer work./.

Source: VNA/VNS/VOV/VIR/SGT/SGGP/Nhan Dan/Hanoitimes 



PM decides to provide financial support for COVIVAC vaccine trials