People at an inundated section of Hồ Văn Cống Street, triggered by torrential rain, in the southern province of Bình Dương on Sunday. — VNA/VNS Photo Chí Tưởng

About one or two tropical low-pressure systems or typhoons are predicted to hit the East Sea and might affect the mainland of Việt Nam this month.

The Deputy Head of the National Centre for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting’s Climate Forecasting Office, Nguyễn Đức Hòa, warned that the rainfall in the northern, Central Highlands, and southern regions would be 5-15 per cent higher than the average level of previous years, while the rainfall in the central region would be 5-15 per cent lower than the average level of previous years.

"Moderate and heavy rains are likely to occur in the central, Central Highlands, and southern regions, while thunderstorms, tornadoes, and lightning that may be accompanied by hail continue to hit the country," he said.

He also said that cold spells would gradually increase in frequency and intensity this month.

Typhoons, tropical low-pressure systems, southwest monsoons, and cold spells might cause strong winds and big waves, affecting activities at sea, he said.

Along with that, the occurrence of dangerous weather phenomena such as thunderstorms, tornadoes, lightning, and hail nationwide could greatly affect production and people's daily activities, he added.

Therefore, people are highly recommended to regularly monitor the weather forecast on the website of the National Centre for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting at, from the hydro-meteorological stations in provinces and cities, or via mass media to proactively respond.

Authorised agencies are advised to quickly and promptly provide natural disaster forecast bulletins to local people and evacuate those in high-risk areas prone to thunderstorms, tornadoes, lightning, and hail to safe places to ensure safety.

People should strictly follow local authorities' instructions for responding to and preventing natural disasters. — VNS