Up to 1,510 delegates to the 12th National Party Congress met in a preparatory session at the National Convention Centre in Hanoi in the morning of January 20.


The preparatory session of the 12th National Party Congress

Earlier, the delegates paid tribute to late President Ho Chi Minh at his mausoleum and offered incense to war martyrs at their monument.

At the session, the delegates approved the working regulations of the Congress, and elected the Presidium, the Secretariat, and the Delegate Eligibility Appraisal Board.

They also adopted the working agenda and election regulations for the 12th National Party Congress and reports examining the eligibility of the delegates.

After the preparatory session, the delegates studied the documents provided.

The 12th National Party Congress will officially open in the morning of January 21. It will last till January 28 as according to the agenda.

Party Congress expected to set forth sound policies

The 12th National Party Congress has received great attention from the Party, population and the army as the important event embraces belief, hope and reform.

The Vietnam News Agency interviewed delegates to the Congress, who expressed their belief that new policies and decisions will be put forth during the event to bring the country forward.

Pham Hai Hoa, Secretary of the Party Committee of Hanoi’s Phu Xuyen district,

pinned high hopes on settling the income gap and easing the development imbalance between urban and rural areas, as well as between mountainous and delta regions.

A spectrum of issues regarding corruption and other illegal actions, the quality of human resources, competitive edge, and rapid and sustainable development are expected to be addressed during the Congress, he said.

Nguyen Thi Hien, Chairwoman of the Dong Thap provincial Women’s Union, said she hopes that the Congress will roll out decisions, policies and solutions that develop the country in peace and cooperation, spur national economic growth and raise people’s living standards.

The new Party Central Committee is likely to group together individuals with talent and morals to lead the country, she said.

Meanwhile, Nguyen Van Khiet, President of the Kien Giang provincial Union of Science and Technology Associations, held that rooting out corruption, wastefulness and other bad deeds will help heighten public confidence in the Party to join efforts in national reform and development.

He called on the Party and State to pay more heed to the contingent of intellectuals and create optimal conditions for them to devote to the nation.

Echoing other Party Congress delegates’ views, Nguyen Thi Minh Giang, Director of the Kien Giang provincial Department of Education and Training, said the Party Congress will outline strategic targets, and sound and comprehensive decisions and policies on agriculture, farmers, rural areas, education and training, which, she said, should be suitable for each locality.

Tran Van Ron, Secretary of the Vinh Long provincial Party Committee, called for more attention from the Party Central Committee, the National Assembly, the Government, ministries and agencies in order to create momentum for the development in the Mekong Delta region.

Venerable Thich Minh Nhan from the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha’s Kien Giang Chapter, stressed that the national sovereignty over sea and islands must be protected.

Buddhist dignitaries and followers believe in the clear-sighted leadership of the Party and the State, he said.

People hope for new development phase after Party Congress

People, Party members and officials nationwide have shared their confidence in the success of the 12th National Party Congress. They expect it will usher in a new phase of development and build a strong, pure Party.

Lieutenant General Pham Hong Cu, former deputy head of the Vietnam People’s Army’s General Department of Politics, said he believes that under the Party’s leadership, the people will work to eliminate poverty and backwardness to advance the country’s development on par with other powerful countries, as wished by the late President Ho Chi Minh.

He expressed his expectations that the 12th National Party Congress will accomplish the assigned mission, which is to enhance the leadership of the Party, and at the same time elect a new generation of leaders with competence and virtues who will help people exercise their right to act as the masters of the country. This will bring the country to the next level of sustainable development in the new period and help it become an industrial country by 2020, as set earlier.

Cu also noted that the defence-security force currently embarks on the two strategic tasks of building and defending the country. Therefore, the People’s Army and the People’s Public Security need to weather any difficulties, be loyal to the Party and pious to the people, and stand ready to fight for the homeland’s independence and freedom and socialism, as taught by late President Ho Chi Minh.

Lieutenant General Khuat Duy Tien, former commandant of the Army Officer Training School No.1, expressed his wish that the 12th National Party Congress will come up with orientations and tasks that develop a strong political system, push for the reform in a comprehensive and synchronous manner, and firmly defend the homeland so the country can realise its goal of becoming a modern, industrial country.

Lawyer Le Duc Tiet, Vice Chairman of the Consultancy Council for Law and Democracy of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, noted that people pinned high hopes on the 12th National Party Congress. They expect it will introduce new guidelines and policies pertaining to land, defence-security, and the environment, among others.

A pressing issue today is preventing and combating corruption and wastefulness, which requires the involvement of all people, he stressed.

Tiet also expressed his hope that the Congress will show who has contributed to the national development for its selection for the new tenure.

For his part, Nguyen Tuc, Chairman of the Consultancy Council for Socio-cultural Affairs of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, argued that building a pure and competent Party could not be done soundly without the people.

He suggested that people and the Presidium of the Vietnam Fatherland Front’s Central Committee should be allowed to comment on those officials candidates introduced by the Party Central Committee and the Congress, as part of efforts to make the Party and administration strong, as guided by the Political Bureau’s instructions 217 and 218.

He expressed his hope that the Congress will elect people who are neither corrupt nor a member of an “interest group”, and are ready to implement the solutions that have been written down in the Party’s resolutions.

China media cover Vietnam’s preparations for National Party Congress

Major Chinese press outlets such as the People and Xinhua on January 19 covered preparations for the 12th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

The online Chinese-language People newspaper published 10 pictures featuring the atmosphere around the capital and the National Convention Centre on the eve of the National Party Congress.

Meanwhile, Xinhua News Agency published an article titled ‘Why the 12th National Party Congress of Vietnam is highly anticipated” in Chinese. It hailed Vietnam’s socio-economic progress toward socialism.

It said Vietnam and China are at the forefront of new opportunities.

As socialist neighbours, the two countries established their comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, and scored significant achievements in economics, trade, people-to-people exchange, national defence and legal enforcement.

Two-way trade hit a record 95.82 billion USD last year. China has been Vietnam’s largest trade partner for the last 12 years.

In 2014, Vietnam became China’s second largest trade partner in Southeast Asia.

Delegates to the 12th National Party Congress



Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and President Truong Tan Sang ahead of the preparatory session.



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Delegates to the 12th National Party Congress



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Delegates to the 12th National Party Congress










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