The 12th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) officially concluded on the morning of January 28 at Hanoi’s National Convention Centre.


On behalf of the Congress’ Presidium, 11th tenure Politburo member and State President Truong Tan Sang chaired the closing session.

Guest delegates attending the event included former Party General Secretaries Le Kha Phieu and Nong Duc Manh; former Politburo members and former State Presidents Le Duc Anh, Tran Duc Luong; former Politburo member and former National Assembly (NA) Chairman Nguyen Van An as well as former Politburo members, former Party Central Committee (PCC) Secretaries, former Vice Presidents, former Deputy Prime Ministers, former NA Vice Chairpersons, former PCC members from the second to sixth tenures, and members of the 11th PCC’s Inspection Commission.

The ceremony also saw the presence of representatives of veteran revolutionaries, Vietnamese Heroic Mothers, outstanding patriotic personalities, artists, religious dignitaries and young people.

Foreign ambassadors, charge d’affaires and country representatives of international organisations in Vietnam also attended the event.

Politburo member Truong Thi Mai, member of the NA Standing Committee, head of the NA Committee for Social Affairs and member of the Congress’ Secretariat announced the list of 42 foreign political parties, organisations and friends which had sent letters of congratulations on the 12th National Party Congress as of January 28. So far, 242 international political parties and organisations have congratulated the Congress.

On behalf of the Presidium and the whole Congress, 11th tenure Politburo member and State President Truong Tan Sang thanked foreign political parties, organisations and friends for their congratulations to the Vietnamese Party and its 12th Congress.

Member of the Party Central Committee and Editor-in-chief of Nhan Dan (People) newspaper Thuan Huu, who was a member of the Congress’ Secretariat, reported voting results on several issues of the Congress’s documents.

On behalf of the Congress’ Secretariat, Politburo member Dinh The Huynh presented a report on the results of the elections for the Politburo, the Party General Secretary, the Party’s Secretariat, the Commission for Inspection and the Commission’s Head for the 12th tenure.

The newly-elected Party Central Executive Committee (PCEC) was presented before the Congress.

On behalf of the 12th PCEC, Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong thanked delegates for their work contributing to the Congress’s great success.

Politburo member and head of the PCC’s Commission for Inspection Tran Quoc Vuong who was also head of the Congress’s Secretariat read the draft resolution of the 12th Party Congress. 100% of delegates adopted the Congress’s resolution.

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong made a closing speech.

The 12th National Congress of the CPV successfully concluded.

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Nhan Dan