The 12th National Party Congress, which took place from January 20-28, was a success that featured the spirit of “Solidarity – Democracy – Discipline – Renovation”.


Promoting the previous Congresses’ resolutions, this Congress’s documents contained numerous new thoughts, and defined road maps, key tasks and targets to make the country grow comprehensively across politics, economics, socio-culture, defence, security, and diplomacy.

Focused tasks include developing socio-economic affairs, building the Party, developing culture, and strengthening defence and security.

Together with the target of fast and sustainable development to soon make Vietnam a modernity-oriented industrialised country, a political report delivered at the Congress emphasised the need to continue reforming the growth model, restructuring the economy, stepping up industrialisation and modernisation in line with the development of a knowledge economy, perfecting institutions, and developing a socialist-oriented market economy.

The 12th Congress gathered the brainpower of the whole Party and people. The collected 26 million ideas submitted by Party members and ordinary people contributed to building and bettering the Congress’s documents.

With more than 30 ideas made at plenary sessions and 668 ideas at group discussions, delegates helped outline the country’s development orientations for the new phase.

Many agreed that renewing the political system in line with the economy is an urgent requirement.

They stressed the need to boost economic development in parallel with environmental protection, consider the position of enterprises as the position of the nation, and intensify creativeness to improve labour productivity.

Many others suggested Vietnam upgrade socio-economic infrastructure synchronously and modernly, speed up administrative procedure reform, properly implement policies to encourage investment and support businesses, and improve the quality of human resources.

This Congress also drew the attention of many countries’ press agencies.

Venezuela’s Rincon de Orinoco newspaper devoted a page comprising of four articles and photos to Vietnam’s important event, which highlighted the Congress’s spirit of “Solidarity – Democracy – Discipline – Renovation”.

Argentina’s Resumen Latinoamericano newspaper ran an editorial in which it affirmed that reform is a sound policy of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

Meanwhile, Carlos Alzugaray, a former Cuban Ambassador in many EU countries and a diplomat and researcher of international relations, said that documents submitted to the 12th National Party Congress mirror a constructive spirit to move toward social equality, despite the global economic crisis.

12th National Party Congress: People trust in new Party leadership


Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong chairs press conference after the Congress

Officials, Party members and people from all walks of life have expressed their delight at the success of the 12th National Party Congress that closed in Hanoi on January 28 morning.

Le Thanh Hai, Director of the Ho Chi Minh City Institute for Development Studies - Centre for Economic Consulting, attributed the Congress’s success to the Party Central Committee’s thorough and serious preparations.

In his view, domestic firms should improve their competitiveness since the private economic sector was identified as a significant driver of the national economy at the Congress.

Former head of the administration management office of the Ho Chi Minh City Transport University, Phan Minh Hue said the outcomes of the Congress reflects solidarity and consensus in the Party.

In the central province of Binh Dinh, lecturer Nguyen Quang Cuong from Quy Nhon University hailed the structure of the new Party Central Committee which groups new and young faces, saying that they are capable and passionate enough to lead the country forward.

Nguyen Thi Van from the Central Committee of the Vietnam Journalists’ Association said discussions at the event took place in a heated, straightforward and democratic manner. The Congress discussed and adopted a number of key policies and guidelines that outline development orientations in the foreseeable future.

In the northern mountainous province of Tuyen Quang, ethnic minorities expressed their trust in the new leadership and hoped that the new resolution will help further improve the lives of ethnic groups in particular.

Lam Xuan Chanh, a Party member in Tan Quang precinct, believed that the Congress will open up a new period of development for the country.

He wished that the Party and State will continue issuing policies benefiting mountainous ethnic groups, including building irrigational facilities and schools, upgrading transport and generating more local jobs.