National Assembly deputies of the 13th National Assembly (NA)’s convened a plenary meeting during their ongoing 11th session in Hanoi on April 2 to elect new President and dismiss some parliamentary posts.


NA deputies vote to elect new President

In the morning, the NA discussed and voted to approve a resolution on the election of the new State leader. Tran Dai Quang, who is a Politburo member and Minister of Public Security, was sworn in as State President.

In the afternoon, the parliament conducted a secret ballot on the dismissal of some senior NA officials.

As a result of voting, a majority of lawmakers agreed to relieve Huynh Ngoc Son from his duty as NA Vice Chairman; Ksor Phuoc from Chairman of the Council of Ethnic Affairs; Nguyen Van Hien from Chairman of the NA Committee on Judicial Affairs; and Phung Quoc Hien from Chairman of the NA Committee on Financial and Budgetary Affairs.

The parliament also let Nguyen Kim Khoa step down from the position as Chairman of the NA Committee on National Defence and Security; Dao Trong Thi from Chairman of the NA Committee for Culture, Education, Youth, Adolescents and Children; Truong Thi Mai from Chairwoman of the NA Committee on Social Affairs; and Nguyen Huu Van from Auditor General of the State Audit Office of Vietnam.

Delegates voted to approve resolutions relating to the discharge.

The NA is scheduled to have a day off on April 3 and convene a plenary session on the following day, with scheduled group discussions on a list of nominees to the positions as NA Vice Chairmen and members of the NA Standing Committee.

The deputies will touch upon the ratification of a diplomatic note on visa issuance between Vietnam and the US.

They are due to elect some NA Vice Chairmen and members of the NA Standing Committee.