The group of 17 practices yoga and takes photos in the middle of the road, posing risks to traffic safety. — VNA/VNS Photo

On May 17, a series of photos went viral on Facebook featuring a group of people striking yoga poses and taking photos on a public roadway, prompting criticism regarding the risks to traffic safety.

After investigation, the police have confirmed that the group, consisting of 17 people, gathered at the intersection of Trần Hưng Đạo and Nguyễn Công Thu streets in Kiến Xương Town in the northern province to perform yoga poses and take photos.

On May 18, they was summoned to the police station for questioning.

Later that day, 14 of them received fines for illegal gathering causing traffic obstruction whereas the other three were let off with a warning due to being underage.

The authorities also informed the individuals' residences and workplaces about the penalties, as per regulations.

They also demanded that the individuals commit to not repeating the offense and joining communication campaigns to raise public awareness of traffic violations. — VNS