The 14th National Assembly begins Question & Answer session this morning, which is being broadcast live on national television and radio. 


During the hearing sessions, to take place through two days and a half, the Ministers of Industry and Trade, Natural Resources and Environment, Education and Training, and Home Affairs will field questions on issues of public concern under their charge. 

Other ministers and officials, as well as Deputy Prime Ministers in charge of discussed fields, will be called to give further explanation. 

Finally, the Prime Minister will deal with lawmakers’ questions about his handling of issues under discussion. 

Before the Q&A session, the NA will hear a report on the parliament’s monitoring of the handling of petitions that voters sent to the 11 th session of the 13 th NA. 

The Minister of Industry and Trade will be asked about the causes of failed or delayed projects, the responsibility of people in charge of those projects’ implementation as well as measures to deal with these projects. 

The minister is also expected to face questions about multi-level marketing, retail network in the context of integration, and the fight against fake, smuggled and low-quality products. 

Other issues to be raised will include policies to develop the automobile industry and plans for assessing quality and planning of hydropower and irrigation projects in the time ahead. 

The Minister of Natural Resources and Environment is expected to talk about the implementation of policies and laws regarding waste treatment in industrial and service facilities, craft villages and residential areas. 

He is to explain the responsibility of ministries, agencies, organisations and individuals for polluting projects, management of the settlement of environmental pollution, climate change response and the exploitation of natural resources and minerals. 

In the field of education and training, the deputies will focus on educational reform, the management of tertiary education quality, the reform of examinations, including the high school graduation exam and university entrance exam in 2016-2020. 

Meanwhile, the Minister of Home Affairs will be asked about the streamlining of the contingent of State employees, reforms in salary and official promotion policies, and ways to improve public workers’ performance and public satisfaction with public services, among others. 

This is the first time the 14 th NA conducts a Q&A session. The 14 th NA was elected in the May 22, 2016 general election and held the first session from July 20-29, 2016.-VNA