16 foreign prisoners to be paroled ahead of vietnam s national day 2022 picture 1
Pham Thanh Ha, vice chairman of the President Office, announces the President's deciion to grant parole to more than 2,400 prison inmates, including 16 foreigners, on the occasion of Vietnam's National Day 2022, at a press briefing on August 31.

The President’s decision was announced at a press briefing in Hanoi on August 31.

Among the foreign inmates to be released on parole, four are Chinese, three American, two Cambodian and two Malaysian. Australia, Canada, France, Nigeria and Laos all have one each.

Notably, eight inmates who got involved in court cases under the microscope from the Central Steering Committee for Corruption and Negative Phenomena Prevention and Control, will be also released this time.  

Special Amnesty 2022 once again affirms the lenient policy of the Party and State and the humanitarian tradition of the Vietnamese people towards those who commit crimes, encouraging them to repent of their offences and practice hard to become useful citizens for the society, said Pham Thanh Ha, vice chairman of the President Office.

Special amnesty also recognizes the inmates’ efforts to abide by detention camps’ rules, cooperate well with authorities and perform well during their prison terms, he said.

According to the official, Special Amnesty 2022 requires tougher conditions, therefore the number of prison inmates to be granted parole this year time is lower than the previous ones.

Vietnamese people are celebrating the 77th anniversary of National Day on September 2.

Source: VOV