
As many as 173 administrative procedures of 13 ministries and sectors have been connected to the National Single Window (NSW) window since 2015. 



According to the General Department of Vietnam Customs, more than 2.59 million dossiers, submitted by over 28,800 enterprises, were handled through the mechanism until April 15, 2019. It said that the number of applications processed through the NSW increased sharply to some 600,000 in the past month.

Regarding the implementation of the ASEAN Single Window, Vietnam continues to exchange e-certificate of origin form D (e-C/O form D) with Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand, while piloting the exchange of C/O form D with Cambodia and the Philippines.
Vietnam will pilot the exchange of ASEAN customs declarations, electronic phytosanitary certificate (ePhyto), and electronic certificate of animal quarantine (e-AH).

The General Department of Vietnam Customs has asked the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to coordinate to prepare contents for the pilot exchange of animal quarantine certificates between Vietnam and Indonesia, slated for July 1 this year.

Besides, preparations are underway to exchange information with the Republic of Korea and the Eurasian Economic Union via the NSW.-VNA