2-in-1 exam

Update news 2-in-1 exam

High-school finals: one exam, two purposes

While The Ministry of Education and Training insists on the 2-in-1 exam model, education experts doubt its feasibility, saying that it is unreasonable to merge two exams with different purposes – high school finals and university entrance exams.

Educators divided on national high school finals

VietNamNet Bridge - Educators disagree on whether national high-school finals should be abolished. The exam cost a great deal of money and is seen as insignificant because more than 90 percent of students pass.

MOET fiercely criticized for integrating history with other school subjects

VietNamNet Bridge - The Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) has been facing fierce criticism for its proposal to integrate history into other learning subjects. 

Educators urge two separate national exams for high school, university

VietNamNet Bridge - The Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) has failed with its new exam scheme and proposed to organize two separate exams instead of a 2-in-1 exam scheme. 

Educators alarmed about low math scores on high school exams

VietNamNet Bridge - Nearly 40,000 students received a 0-1 score in math on the national high school final exam, shocking many teachers.

English high school exam scores fall dramatically

About 75,000 students attending the national high school finals received a 2.25 score on the English exam. Analysts said the education sector had failed to teach English at general school.

100 percent of students expected to pass high school finals

Teachers have said that most students will pass the high school final exam because of the easy questions on the test. However, universities will find it difficult to choose excellent students because the questions were not difficult enough.

Vietnam plans to select students for universities through 2-in-1 exam

 VietNamNet Bridge – Organizing one national exam instead of two as currently applied to find the most capable students for universities is what Vietnam strives for. But it still does not know how to do it.