VietNamNet Bridge - Teachers have said that most students will pass the high school final exam because of the easy questions on the test. However, universities will find it difficult to choose excellent students because the questions were not difficult enough.


The headmaster of a high school in district 7 said the reported low scores gained by students at the mock exam held one month ago ‘frightened’ the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET), which later decided to raise easier questions at the real exam to pave the way for more students to pass the finals.

The teacher believes that with such easy questions, 100 percent of students can graduate high school.

Ngo Tuong Dai, deputy headmaster of the Quang Trung Nguyen Hue School, also thinks 90 percent will pass the exam because of the easy questions.

Dang Chi Minh, a literature teacher at Tan Phong High School, noted that literature questions were at a sixth grade level. With such questions, “only the students who did not attend the exam would fail”.

Doan Nhat Quang, a teacher at Marie Curie School, noted that many students just need to get 3-4/10 scores for every exam subject to be able to finish high school if their learning records in the 12th grade were good.

However, excellent students could not show their abilities on the test. Universities do not know easy questions do not allow them to enroll good students. 

Lai Tien Minh, a lecturer at Hanoi Architecture University, noted that students with average learning capacity can get a 5 score, above average 6.5 score, while moderately good students can get 7 score.

“The questions can help differentiate between average and moderately good students, but cannot differentiate between above average and good students,” he noted.

Commenting about the geography questions, Vu Nhu Thien Huong from Nhan Viet High School in Hanoi, believe that the majority of students would get 6-8 marks. Therefore, it would be difficult for universities to select good students.

Meanwhile, a high school teacher in Hanoi who asked to be anonymous, warned that the way final questions are designed will badly affect teaching and learning because easy questions would make students lazier.

He went on to say there would be a fine line between students who pass the exam and those who fail the exam, and that 0.25 scores would be enough to change the lives of students. 

The proportion of students passing finals have been increasing steadily in recent years. The figure was 67.13 percent in 2007, then rose to 76.36 percent in 2008 and 99.09 percent in 2014.