Twenty eight students in Hanoi were honoured as being ‘Ambassadors of Reading Culture’ during the 2017-2018 school year at an awards ceremony for a writing and presentation contest held on Hanoi Book street on May 26.


Hanoi students honoured as ‘Ambassadors of Reading Culture’ (Photo:

The contest, the second of its kind, was launched by the city’s departments of Education and Training, Communication and Education, and Culture and Sports with an aim to promote the habit of reading among students.

Nearly 60,000 students from 277 primary and secondary schools in the capital took part in the contest, for which they wrote an essay in Vietnamese or English describing their favourite books and suggesting ways to encourage others to read more.

The organising board also presented 18 consolation prizes and five prizes for the five schools with the largest number of entrants.

Addressing the event, the Deputy Director of Hanoi city Department of Education and Training said that the ambassadors will take part in activities to promote a love for reading at their schools and in their communities.

Nhan Dan