A group of artists, Nguyen Phuong Quyen, Tran Thi Suong and Nguyen Ngoc Giang Thanh won the first prize at the 4th HCM City Biennale Art Exhibition for their art work titled “Nhung doi mat phu sa” (alluvial eyes).


         The first prize-winning art work "Nhung doi mat phu sa" (alluvial eyes)

The first prize-winning art work shows geological and climate changes, and economic consequences on Mekong River.

Ho Thi Ngoc Anh and Nguyen Hoai Vu received the second prizes for lacquer and installation works, "Nha tho" (Church) and "Pho" (Streets) respectively.

The third prizes went to Le Xuan Cang for his work “Khoa 2” (Key No.2), Le Dinh Chinh for the lacquer work “Buoi sang” (The morning) and Le Quoc Hoan for the video art titled Chuyen dan ba (Women’s story).

The 4th HCM City Biennale Art Exhibition opened at the Ho Chi Minh City Fine Arts Museum on April 20, featuring 154 art works of 107 authors, including award-winning and outstanding works which were submitted to the 4th Young Artists Biennale in Ho Chi Minh City. 

The contest was launched nationwide in last November by the HCMC Fine Arts Association, Ho Chi Minh City University of Fine Arts and Ho Chi Minh City Fine Arts Museum. 

Launched for the first time in 2009, the contest aims to encourage the artists’ creativity and diversification of materials, and honor artworks reflecting contemporary life through the lenses of young Vietnamese artists and contributing in the development of Vietnamese contemporary fine arts.

The exhibition will run until May 1.