Earlier today torrential rain and flashfloods killed at least five people and left 12 missing in the Muong La District, northern Son La Province and Mu Cang Chai District, Yen Bai Province.


Heavy downpour caused flashfloods in the northern Son La Province which swept away 30 houses and 10 locals, five of them were found dead, the remaining are still missing.

Many parts of the road to the centre of the Muong La District were under 1 meter of water, causing traffic congestion. The floods also destroyed many properties.

Heavy rain also made water levels on the rivers rise dangerously high. Son La authorities mobilized hundreds of officials, soldiers, police officers and more to evacuate locals living near rivers and streams to safe areas.

A horrible flash flood also occurred at 4.30am today (August 3) in Mu Cang Chai Town.

Le Trong Khang, vice chair of the Mu Cang Chai District, said at least 7 people were reported missing and 17 houses were buried by mudslides or swept away by floods. Rescue forces are trying to search for those that are missing.

Road users find it difficult to reach Mu Cang Chai Town due to landslides on many parts of the road.

Pham Thi Thanh Tra, Secretary of Yen Bai Provincial Party Committee, led a working group to Mu Cang Chai to direct rescue missions and handle the consequences of natural disasters.

Father, son killed in landslide in northern Vietnam

A father and son in the northern province of Lai Chau on their way to work in their terraced fields were buried in a landslide early on the morning of Wednesday, August 2, report local officials.

Local officials of the district of Muong Te were notified of the accident shortly before 8:30am and sent emergency crews. However, Giang A Dinh and his son Giang A Thang were not found and are presumed dead.

Rescuers used heavy equipment, shovels and bare hands to dig through the mud and earth in a search for the father and son.

There was nothing we could do. It was tragic, said Mai Van Thach, chair of Muong Te District.

The mudslide was triggered by torrential rains that has wreaked havoc through villages in the region over recent weeks.