Five people were killed and two injured this morning whentheir car collided with a train while crossing a railway track on a majorhighway in a Hanoi district.

Scene of the accident which left five people dead and two seriously injured.

The car with seven people in it crossed the railway track inThuong Tin District just as the HCM City-Hanoi train was approaching. Theimpact of the collision was so strong that the car was completely destroyedafter it was thrown some distance.

The crash occurred at 5:30am on National Highway 1A at thesection which passes through Van Binh Commune in Thuong Tin District.

According to Dao Vinh Thang, head of the Hanoi TrafficPolice department, the accident left four people dead on the spot while anotherperson died on way to hospital. Two others who suffered serious injuries weretransferred to Viet Duc Hospital for treatment.

Traffic police are coordinating with relevant agencies toregulate traffic, he said.

Shortly after the accident occurred, Deputy Minister ofTransport Nguyen Ngoc Dong and deputy chairman of the National Traffic SafetyCommittee Khuat Viet Hung arrived at the scene to monitor the investigation.They also visited the injured victims in hospital.

The cause of the accident was being determined, butaccording to the initial investigation, the car’s driver did not pay heed tothe warning signs when crossing the railway track. The signals were stilloperating normally.