Some 81.3 million people across Vietnam have been covered by health insurance by the end of May, up nearly 21 million people from 2012 or 35.6 percent and representing 81.7 percent of the population. 


The information was unveiled by the Vietnam Social Security at a conference to review the 5-year implementation of the Politburo’s Resolution No.21-NQ/TW on enhancing the Party’s leadership over social and health insurance work between 2012 and 2020.

The number of health insurance holders last year exceeded the goal set by Resolution No.21-NQ/TW.

The number of compulsory social insurance participants was estimated at more than 13.8 million people, an increase of 3.25 million people from 2012 and accounting for 25.8 percent of the workforce.

The number of voluntary social insurance card holders totalled 240,000 people while 11.7 million people participated in the unemployment insurance scheme with the annual increase of 700,000 people in average.

People receiving retirement pension and monthly social insurance allowances reached 3.1 million, up 18 percent during the period.

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on May 23 signed Resolution No.28-NQ/TW on reforming social insurance policies which sets up specific objectives for the coverage of social insurance by 2030.

It targets that by 2021, about 35 percent of the workforce will be covered by social insurance, and about 28 percent will participate in unemployment insurance scheme. About 45 percent of the persons beyond the retirement age will receive retirement pensions, monthly social insurance and post-retirement benefits. The satisfaction with social insurance index will reach 80 percent.

By 2025, around 45 percent of the workforce will be covered by social insurance, and some 35 percent will participate in unemployment insurance. About 55 percent of the persons beyond the retirement age will receive retirement pensions, monthly social insurance and post-retirement benefits. The satisfaction with social insurance index is expected at 85 percent.

The resolution targets that by 2030, about 60 percent of the workforce will join social insurance scheme, and about 45 percent will be covered by unemployment insurance. About 60 percent of the persons beyond the retirement age will receive retirement pensions, monthly social insurance and post-retirement benefits. The satisfaction with social insurance index will be around 90 percent. -VNA