A recent graduation ceremony of Duy Tan University in Da Nang city saw a special postgraduate, an 85-year-old man, who got a master's degree in business administration.

Mr. Le Phuoc Thiet applied for a master's degree in business administration at Duy Tan University when he was 82 years old.

Although the elderly man lives in the neigbouring province of Quang Nam, during the course of three year, he did not drop a single class.

  “The most difficult is that during the three year course, I was taken to and from the university on a bicycle by my niece. Sometimes, we reached home at 11 pm. Learning is not hard,” said Le Phuoc Thiet, a Quang Nam resident.

Thiet's determination in learning left a good impression on lecturers and students of Duy Tan University.

The degree he has obtained is of significance to his seven children, 15 grandchildren and four great grandchildren.

He said that by going to school, he slows down memory loss and that is something he has to achieve no matter how hard it is.

Mr. Le Phuoc Thiet sends a message "It is never too late to learn". He sets a good example for the younger generation to follow./. VNA