Of the seven relic sites that collected over 25 billion VND in donations in 2023, Ba Chua Xu Temple in Chau Doc, An Giang, ranked first with 220 billion VND.

Recently, the Ministry of Finance reported to the Government on the results of the overall inspection of the management of donations and sponsorships at historical and cultural relic sites. Ba Chua Xu Temple on Sam Mountain received the highest donations in the country last year, totaling 220 billion VND, with 42% of this revenue (93 billion VND) spent on community activities.

Ba Chua Xu Temple, located at the foot of Sam Mountain in Chau Doc City, An Giang Province, is a stunning architectural work and a major tourist attraction.

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Ba Chua Xu Temple is located at the foot of Sam Mountain. Photo: Tran Tuyen

The 284-meter-high Sam Mountain is a renowned spiritual destination. According to legend, about 200 years ago, locals discovered the sacred statue of Ba Chua Xu (Lady of the Realm or Lady of the Holy Land – Ba Chua Xu is considered a protective goddess, believed to bring good fortune, health, and prosperity to her devotees) on the mountain and decided to bring it down for easier worship.

Despite many attempts, it was only successfully moved when nine virgin girls carried it. The statue was placed at its current location when it became too heavy to move further, which locals believed indicated Ba Chua Xu's chosen residence.

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A panoramic view of Ba Chua Xu Temple. Photo: Management Board of Sam Mountain National Tourist Area

Initially, Ba Chua Xu Temple was a simple structure made of bamboo and leaves. It was rebuilt in 1870 and again in 1972 in a grand Eastern architectural style, featuring a jade green tiled roof, tiled walls, and door frames made of precious wood with intricate carvings.

The main hall, which is both majestic and cozy, houses the over 1-meter-high statue of Ba Chua Xu, believed to belong to the Visnu god type and carved from red stone in the late 6th century AD.

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Ba Chua Xu Statue in the main hall area. Photo: Management Board of Sam Mountain National Tourist Area

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People bring fruits, roast pigs, paper money, and votive paper to worship Ba. Photo: Tran Tuyen

Ba Chua Xu Temple attracts millions of visitors annually, especially during the New Year and full moon festivals.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Tuyet from Vinh Long province shared that her family visits the temple to pray for health and peace. "This place is not only sacred but also has a peaceful beauty, helping us dispel the stress in life," she said.

In the first six months of this year, over 4 million visitors came to the temple, an increase of 5.37% compared to the same period last year. Most donations from visitors are used for social security projects.

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Devotees at Ba Chua Xu Temple

Ms. Huynh Hoa Huong, Deputy Director of the Management Board of the Sam Mountain National Tourist Area, emphasized the importance of security and order at the site. The local authorities have mobilized police and militia to patrol regularly and educate visitors on proper conduct, such as not littering and ensuring safety measures are followed.

Financial overview of historical and cultural relics

According to the Ministry of Finance, Vietnam has 31,211 historical and cultural relics, with 15,324 (49%) having data on the collection and expenditure of donations and sponsorships.

In 2023, the total amount collected was 4,100 billion VND ($170 million), excluding in-kind donations and those for religious activities.

Notably, 63 relics collected over 5 billion VND, and 28 relics collected over 10 billion VND. Seven relics collected the most, with over 25 billion VND in donations, including:

- Ba Chua Xu Temple (Chau Doc, An Giang): 220 billion VND

- Bao Ha Temple (Bao Yen, Lao Cai): 71 billion VND

- Con Dao Prison Historical Relic Site (Ba Ria - Vung Tau): 34 billion VND

- Song Son Temple (Bim Son, Thanh Hoa): 28 billion VND

- Hung Temple (Phu Tho): 26 billion VND

- La Khe Communal House (Ha Dong): 28 billion VND

- Trinh Temple, Huong Pagoda (My Duc): 33 billion VND

(US$1 = VND25,000)

Tran Tuyen