The newly-appointed party chiefs of Hanoi Hoang Trung Hai, and Ho Chi Minh City’s Dinh La Thang have captured the attention of the public due to their dynamic actions during their first days in office.

HCM City Party Committee Secretary, Dinh La Thang (right), visited a heroic mother in Cu Chi District on February 18.

Just over two weeks after taking the new post, Dinh La Thang has already addressed various hot issues in the country's biggest city.

He has addressed chronic road congestion caused by illegally-parked coaches on Nguyen Thai Binh and Le Thi Hong Gam streets in District 1 right after receiving a phone call from a member of the public.

He urgently ordered the construction of a road and a new house for a heroic mother in Cu Chi District following a visit to the area.

He also asked local authorities to work with the Vietnam Dairy Products Joint Stock Company to help sell fresh milk for local farmers in the district.

Thang also opened a hotline to help people report issues related to the economy, culture, society and people' daily lives directly to the party secretary.

In Hanoi, Party Secretary Hoang Trung Hai and municipal People's Committee Chairman Nguyen Duc Chung have launched a fight against administrative problems at local state agencies following reports from the media that staff had yet to return to proper work following the Tet holidays.

Hanoi City Party Committee Secretary, Hoang Trung Hai, operated a rice planting machine at a rice-planting ceremony in Phu Xuyen District on February 14.

Chairman Nguyen Duc Chung has instructed the Hanoi Department of Internal Affairs to conduct spot-checks on local agencies and offices, particularly those helping to deal with administrative procedures for the public and business community.

Chung urged local agencies to immediately concentrate on providing services to residents.

He also banned local state employees to use state-owned vehicles to attend festivals.

In reality, these are not major issues, but the approach taken by the new leaders has helped bolster public confidence.

Their action has showed a sense of responsibility and a their willingness to improve matters, an approach that has widespread support not only within the two major cities.

The concentration on more mundane and achievable targets has also underlined the impression that there is a dedication to even deal with even the smallest problems.

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