Update news AI

Vietnam ranks 6th in ASEAN in terms of AI readiness index

Vietnam has climbed 14 places to the 62nd in the 2021 Government Artificial Intelligence (AI) Readiness Index.

Vietnamese enterprises have the conditions to develop world-class AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology has advanced at lightning speed over the past decade and has become the hot topic of many domestic and international seminars.

Vietnam promote application of AI in hydrometeorology

Applying artificial intelligence in the hydro-meteorological sector is essential, said Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Le Cong Thanh.

Workers must adapt to environments with more robots

It has been warned that in the 4.0 revolution, robots will gradually replace humans in some fields. But under the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, this process has occurred faster.


Five Make-in-Vietnam start-ups call for investment

Cyber Apply Vietnam, EM&AI, MOVAN ISO, tMonitor and MiSmart are five startups selected by the Vietnamese Ministry of Science to introduce to investors.

AI technology used in financial investments

Unlike conventional fund models, artificial intelligence-powered investment funds apply technology to process data, thereby automatically recommending effective investment strategies.

Vietnam has only 300 artificial intelligence experts

This shortage of talent is a huge challenge for the country to realize its goal of becoming a center of artificial intelligence (AI) development in the region and the world.

Leading Vietnamese and Australian AI experts to meet at forum

This event will be held on October 27 to provide information about AI cooperation programs between the two countries and exchange experiences in building and developing AI community.


Vietnam faces shortage of artificial intelligence experts

Artificial intelligence (AI) is now at the center of the technology world. Many countries around the world have largely invested in AI and Vietnam is no exception.

Vietnam holds potential for robot, AI development: insiders

Vietnam holds huge potential in the application and development of new technologies amid the wide utilisation of robot and artificial intelligence (AI) in daily life activities.

Technology firms urged to produce AI engineers

Technology firms in Vietnam complain that they find it difficult to recruit workers, especially highly qualified ones.

Young engineers want the world to know more about VN through technology

In the past few days, the news about two Vietnamese engineers who surpassed 1,600 teams to win the international Show US the Data contest has attracted public attention.

Vietnamese scientists developing AI to detect COVID-19 via coughs

If the technicians can make a success of the project, it would be a low-cost COVID-19 screening measure that can be carried out on a large scale and ease the burden of pool testing./.


Two Vietnamese engineers win first place at the world's leading AI competition platform

Nguyen Quan Anh Minh and Nguyen Tuan Khoi of the local messaging app Zalo have won the Show US the Data competition, organized by Coleridge Initiative on Kaggle, the world's most prestigious artificial intelligence competition platform.

AI tech's key role in fight against COVID-19

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is already playing a role in managing the current pandemic and could play an even bigger role in the future, according to Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Bui The Duy.

Vietnamese engineer generates music with AI

Nguyen Hoang Bao Dai, a 27-year-old engineer based in Ho Chi Minh City, has become the third Vietnamese person to be recognised as a Google Developer Expert in Machine Learning for his music generation model,

Can Covid-19 infections be detected through AI analysis of coughs?

Many people doubt the feasibility of the project on using AI technology to find Covid-infected people through coughs, now being carried out by Vietnamese scientists.

Artificial intelligence proves useful in Covid-19 pandemic

People usually talk about artificial intelligence (AI) as if it is something in the future, but it has been around for a long time and is being used a lot during the Covid-19 epidemic.

AI, IoT solutions used in COVID-19 screening at quarantine areas

Non-touch temperature screening kiosks and cameras as well as software modules using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) should be set up in high-risk Covid-19 locations, including quarantine areas, experts have said. 

DTS Software Vietnam wins Sao Khue Awards 2021 for new software products

Passing over 300 solutions and services of 161 companies, Walk-in-home, a design software product developed by DTS Software Vietnam Co., Ltd. has been awarded Sao Khue Award 2021.