Ho Chi Minh City Party Secretary Nguyen Thien Nhan has suggested providing armour for local men who voluntary join in crime fighting after two men were killed in a motorbike robbery.



Ho Chi Minh City Party Secretary Nguyen Thien Nhan visits Dinh Van Quy at the hospital on May 14

According to local police, a man parked his scooter in front of a clothing shop on May 13. A group of four robbers attempted to break the lock on the scooter. Several local men in the "street knight" team who have helped prevented many robberies in the area came to stop them. While struggling, five men were stabbed. Two of them died due to serious injuries while three others were admitted to the hospital.

Bui Minh Trang, deputy head of People's Hospital 115, said one of the injured men, Tran Van Hoang, was admitted to the hospital. He had a 10-centimetre long laceration on his chest and his lung, heart and liver were all injured. The emergency operation was successful and Hoang has regained consciousness.

HCM City Party Secretary Nguyen Thien Nhan visited Hoang and showed surprise and gratitude upon knowing that three members of Hoang's family join in fighting crime. Nhan thanked Hoang and other "street knights" who have helped protect local residents. 

"I'm really sad about this tragedy. The sacrifice they made shows a chivalrous and beautiful tradition of Vietnam," Nhan said.

However, Nhan also raised concerns about the dangers they are facing, especially when the criminals are armed and aggressive. He suggested providing body armour and equipment for the local crime-fighting groups.

"The city police should consider this solution. The fund for the equipment can come from the private sector," Nhan said.
