Authorities in Hanoi's Chuong My District have decided to fell a valuable 130-year-old sua tree so that local people can earn money from the tree rather than it possibly being stolen.


Authorities in Chuong My District have decided to fell a valuable 130-year-old sua tree

The tree is located next to a village road in front of the Duc Thanh Nhi Temple. Vu Van Tuyen, head of Phu Chinh Village said the villagers had agreed to the plan.

"We're all afraid that the thieves will damage the tree trying to cut it. In order to have a more peaceful Tet, everyone decided to cut the tree down and auction the wood," he said.

In 2010, a heavy storm broke a branch of the tree. Locals then decided to sell the branch to get money to upgrade the temples and cultural works in Phu Chinh for VND20.5bn (USD884m). However, the wood was seized by Chuong My District’s police. Some of money was also held.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development then announced that the sua trees were grown by people and they have the right to sell them. In last October, Chuong My District People's Committee held a meeting about the sua tree and promised to return VND5.3bn to the locals.

In 2015, Chuong My authorities continued auctioned some sua wood for over VND31bn. After learning about the value of the tree, many people have appeared in the village and tried to find a way to steal some wood, forcing the locals to stay guarded.

Nguyen Xuan Hoi, head of the Elderly Association in Phu Chinh said all disputes had been settled and they would sell the wood in accordance with the law.
