A man in Hue is rescuing 200 abandoned and abused dogs and cats every year to help them find new owners.


Tran Van Son wants to open a bigger shelter

Tran Van Son, born in 1987, said he and his friends started bringing abandoned and abused dogs and cats home to take care of them after he went to university. His dream to open an animal shelter was formed since then.   

"I can feel the loyalty of the dogs. They never abandon their owners in rich, poor or hardship. That's my motivation to do something to protect them," he said.

With help from friends and his own personal savings, Son successfully rented a house and opened a pet rescue group on Vu Ngoc Phan Street, Hue City in 2015. His family didn't approve at first but have come to understand his love for the animals and support him.

Each year, Son rescues nearly 200 dogs and cats. He is currently taking care of 10 dogs and two of them were severely ill upon being found. When the dogs and cats recover, Son will find new owners for them.

There are several special cases that he met in the past years that he will never forget. "Bac was abandoned because of severe illness. A local told me about him and when I first saw him in Huong Thuy Commune, he lost so much hair and had swollen lymph nodes," Son said.

Bac was scared of people and jumped into the river when Son approached. Son had to swim after him for two hours making himself sick several days later. However, he was able to bring the dog back for treatment. Bac wouldn't let anyone get near for the first two days. He has become less defensive and gone through multiple operations to remove the nodes in the last five months.



Bac has become less defensive and gone through multiple operations to remove the nodes in the last five months

Son also goes to dog and cat markets to save the animals, especially injured or pregnant ones. Some people pretended to adopt dogs in order to sell them elsewhere but Son quickly discovered their purposes.

"Though I don't earn any money from this, I hope the work that I do will make Hue a more civilised city to tourists and there won't be any stray dogs and cats on the streets. I hope more people will understand and help out with this rescue work," Son said.

Son said he dreams of having a bigger shelter and saving more dogs and cats.
