An anthology of legendary tales for children has sold out just one week after it was launched, on June 24.


Linh Nam Chich Quai, the collection, published by Kim Dong Publishing House has sold out just one week after it was launched. 

Titled Linh Nam Chich Quai, the collection, published by Kim Dong Publishing House, includes 36 strange stories from the Hong Bang Era (assumed to be from 2879 BC) to the Tran Dynasty (1226-1400 AD).

These include the famous tales of Lac Long Quan and Au Co, believed to be the ancestors of Vietnamese people; a story about the arena nut tree, and another on Tan Vien Mountain, among others.

Originally, the collection of stories had been written in Han Chinese language by scholar Tran The Phap from the Tran Dynasty. 

Over time, it was revised by various noted scholars such as Vu Quynh and Kieu Phu. The collection is considered a masterpiece of ancient Vietnamese literature on history, traditional customs and behaviour in society.

This time, the anthology was translated by scholars Đinh Gia Khanh and Nguyen Ngoc San, and has around 200 illustrations drawn by hand in the style of traditional wood block paintings by Ta Huy Long.

Long is amazed that the book has already sold out and can’t explain the reason.

“I guess the book has good-quality printing,” he said.

Researcher To Lan from the Han-Nom Research Centre said people find the book attractive because of the high quality of content and illustrations.

“Many people said it is a kind of legendary book for children, and there is no need for careful explanation,” Lan said. “The team that compiled it has put in a lot of effort and care about explanations.”

The book used research materials by scholar Quynh as well as the works of the translators Khanh and San.