Around 70% of Vietnamese children admitted that they have suffered domestic violence.


69.5% of children aged between 10 and 15 said that they had been beaten or slapped by their parents

The information was given by a research on domestic violence in some countries, including in Vietnam conducted by Associate. Prof. Dr. Dang Thi Hoa from the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences. 

According to the report, 69.5% of children aged between 10 and 15 said that they had been beaten or slapped by their parents.   

 In early June, a three-year-old boy in the southern province of Binh Duong was beaten by his mother and the mother’s boyfriend. 

After finding in injuries in his head and his body, his grandmother reported the case to the police.

Earlier, a woman in Dong Da District in Hanoi also informed authorities about her son-in-law who frequently beat his children.

Professor Dr. Hoang Ba Thinh from the Centre for Gender, Population, Environment and Social Affairs said that many parents in Vietnam still use “spare the rod, spoil the child” method in educating their children. Most children who face parental violence often live in rural or remote areas or those who live with step parents.

When being mature, these children often tend to have violent behaviour.

Lawyer Tran Thu Nam from Hanoi Lawyer Association said that the government had issued a decision which fined people for negligent or violent treatment of children. 

However, she claimed it was not effective to fine parents for violent behaviour against their children and instead parental violence which led to serious injury should instead be brought to court.
