Over 130 photos featuring the beauty of landscapes and daily life across the country are being displayed at an art photo festival held in Hanoi from April 20 to 25.

The photos were selected from 1,900 entries by 282 photographers who are members of 16 photography clubs in Hanoi, under Hanoi Art Photography Association.

The festival’s organising board presented 16 prizes, with one first prize, two second prizes, three third prizes and 10 consolation prizes, to outstanding works.

The first prize went to Nguyen Tat Loc, while the second prizes were presented to Nguyen Tien Dung and Hoang Phuong. Meanwhile, the third prizes were awarded to Ha Giang, Nguyen Sy and Vu Ngoc Lan.

According to the organisers, the displayed photos are high-quality works in both content and style.

Through the artworks, the photographers present many discoveries and new perspectives on the people’s lifestyles across the country. The photographers captured vibrant life in all corners, reflecting the land, people and cultural beauty as well as specific characteristics of cities and provinces.

The event also offers an opportunity for photographers from the cities to meet and share experiences in order to improve their skills.

Some the outstanding photos at the exhibition:

The first prize winning photo

Nhan Dan