An ASEM conference will take place in Central Hue City on March 30-31 to discuss innovative education and human resource building for sustainable development.


The conference was initiated by Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc under the sponsorship of five member countries, Finland, India, Indonesia, Japan and the Republic of Korea.

Conference participants will focus discussions on the role of education and human resources for sustainable development in the 21st century; opportunities, challenges and the role of stakeholders including lawmakers, education providers, investment funds and businesses; practices and lessons learned in innovation education and high quality human capital in Asia and Europe; and from vision to action; enhancing Asia-Europe cooperation in the field of innovative education and human capital building for sustainable development.

The regional conference is the most important event under the framework of ASEM hosted by Vietnam in 2017 to realize the PM’s initiative adopted at the 11th ASEM Summit in Mongolia.

The event takes place in the context that regional countries promote innovative education and skills development in the 21st century for high-quality human resources to meet the needs of the fourth industrial revolution. 

It aims to strengthen Asia-Europe cooperation in handling issues related to education, labour, employment, human resource development and propose ASEM education and human resource development vision and new skills program towards sustainable and comprehensive growth to contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development.

The conference is expected to approve reports on proposals to submit to the 6th ASEM Education Ministers’ Meeting in Seoul on May 9-10, 2017, the ASEM Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Myanmar on November 21 and the 12th ASEM Summit in Belgium in 2018.