VietNamNet Bridge - After one year without a gold medal, Vietnamese students have once again continued the tradition of winning gold medals at the Asian Physics Olympiad. 


The student who brought the gold medal to the Vietnamese team at the latest Olympiad was Dinh Anh Dung from the Hanoi-Amsterdam High School for the Gifted.

In 2014, Dung, who was then a 10th grader, won the gold medal at IJSO (International Junior Science Olympiad), a competition for students aged 15, organized in Argentina, with very high scores.

After one year without a gold medal, Vietnamese students have once again continued the tradition of winning gold medals at the Asian Physics Olympiad. 

This is a competition where students have to use interdisciplinary knowledge to solve questions. To absorb the huge volume of knowledge, Dung went to bed no later than 10.30 pm to ensure good health, and read many books. 

The tests required knowledge in sciences – physics, chemistry and biology. 

Thanks to the gold medal at IJSO 2014, Dung had the honor of receiving Odon Vallet scholarship in 2015. 

Since then, Dung has been at the Number 1 position in academic achievement of the physics majoring class where he studied and received the Odon Vallet scholarship for the second time in 2016.

However, Dung failed to become a member of the national physics competition team, though he won first prize at the city’s competition. 

Nguyen Thi Nam, his physics teacher, asked him “Does this hurt you?”  He replied: “I will remember the pain and I will gain high achievements next year."

In the 2016-2017 academic year, Dung won first prize at the national physics competition team and became a member of the national team to attend the Asia Physics Olympiad.

Dung is good not only at physics, but also at math, chemistry and English. He scored 35 out of 36 on the ACT (American College Testing). Dung has successfully applied for Nanyang Technological University and the National University of Singapore.

Born in a family of intellectuals (his parents are lecturers of the University of Mining and Geology), Dung has a good academic foundation. He said he learned a lot from his father, who is an expert in electrification.

Dung and his sister, Dinh Pham Quynh Mai, were both students at the Hanoi-Amsterdam High School for the Gifted, one of the most prestigious high schools in Hanoi.


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Le Van