With the hosting of the 14th Assembly of the Asian Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI) this September, the State Audit of Vietnam (SAV) will become Chairman of ASOSAI for 2018-2021, which is set to bring both opportunities and challenges to a young agency like the SAV.


State Auditor General Ho Duc Phoc

The remark was made by State Auditor General Ho Duc Phoc in an interview granted to Vietnam News Agency on the occasion of the Lunar New Year.

He said becoming ASOSAI Chairman will be a chance for the SAV to lead the development of this organisation. It will help the Vietnamese agency enhance capacity and expand relations with other regional organisations of the International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI). 

Meanwhile, the SAV will have opportunities to create the best strategies and solutions to issues in the region and lead ASOSAI on the path to become a dynamic and prestigious organisation with more and more important contributions to the Asian economy and member countries.

Taking charge of the new role will help the SAV realise its commitment to being an active and responsible member of the regional community through concrete and effective contributions to ASOSAI’s development, he noted.

Phoc added the State Audit of Vietnam can also improve itself by making use of existing and potential resources of ASOSAI to access specialised knowledge and experience.

Chairing ASOSAI, a major challenge to the SAV is a lack of experience as the agency is only 24 years old while other ASOSAI members have hundred-year history. There remains much for the SAV to learn in terms of both organisation and specialised issues.

The Auditor General said the 14th ASOSAI Assembly is considered a big political and diplomatic event, and the SAV has mobilised all resources to prepare for this event. 

He noted ASOSAI gathers 46 member organisations with diverse legal status, culture, politics and development level, leading to varying viewpoints on public auditing and interest among the members.

How to harmonise viewpoints of the member organisations in developed and developing countries to reach consensus and common goals is truly not a small challenge.

To deal with such challenges, the SAV needs to convert difficulties into determination, ensure the principles of consultation and consensus, and build common stance on the basis of boosting unanimity, solidarity and contribution of all members, Phoc added.-VNA