Today's architects and planners have a keen approach to science and technology, and know how to creatively combine traditional materials with new technology, as well as exploit the essence of each area to make each project a child of the land where it belongs. 

Astar and the philosophy of Happy Architecture

Winston Churchill once said: “We shape our buildings, and then our buildings shape us.” 

The risk of modern architecture is creating "machines for living" instead of understanding and applying green, indigenous, sustainable architecture trends... to make living spaces more friendly.

Astar and the work Cau Kieu to bring visitors to Tra Su - the most beautiful cajuput forest in Vietnam

Astra develops with three pillars: Happy Architects, Happy Buildings and Happy Users. That philosophy can only be shaped from experience, from the process of not simply creating comfortable and useful buildings and spaces, but, more importantly, having a vision towards the future of culture and people. 

Feeling and understanding that philosophy and not emotionally following the trend of using heavy materials, overusing repetitive, monotonous, emotionless techniques and materials... Astar’s architects have been pursuing the philosophy of "Happy Architecture" for a long time, shaped in every drawing and design project. They know how to transform themselves into "happy architects" in thinking and practice. 

Sao Mai International Hotel on Nguyen Sinh Sac Street, Sa Dec City, Dong Thap Province

Take a look at the architectural works and design drawings that Astar has made for Sao Mai Group and for tourism firms in the provinces of An Giang, Dong Thap, Vung Tau and Thanh Hoa; like the An Hao Solar Power Farm and Europlast Long An, we can seriously evaluate the effectiveness and criteria of "happy architecture". All of these works meet the needs of safe, healthy, comfortable, economically efficient and effective space of users. These architectural works have become organic entities, which interact symbiotically with the users and the surrounding environment.

Lam Kinh Resort & Spa is the convergence of the quintessence of the sacred land of Tho Xuan - Thanh Hoa

Furthermore, architectural works express their own lives. They have a past (tradition, history), a sustainable future, and are capable of renovation and development according to the user's purposes and new sci-tech achievement, including architectural science. These works have contributed to the rediscovery of indigenous cultural and historical values, enhancing pride in tradition and improving people's knowledge.

An Hao Solar Farm tourist area designed by Astar

Each project can inspire and spread emotion, contributing to shaping aesthetics for the community. 

A peaceful green Tra Su space, an extremely beautiful and majestic An Hao Solar Farm, an amazing Lam Kinh Resort & Spa, an amusement park at the foot of the majestic Cam Mountain, or a quiet but extremely dynamic Sao Mai Resort Vung Tau or a heroic and indomitable Tuc Dup... all of these works have Astar's signature.

The heart of Tra Su cajuput forest

After being impressed by its modernity, grandeur, eye-catching, and strangeness over time, the simple and interesting beauty of architectural and planning projects designed by Astar is increasingly known to users and the community.

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Duy Tien