As many as 250,000 people are expected to join blood donation events in April, while at least 130,000 blood units are hoped to be gathered during the month, said Nguyen Thi Xuan Thu, deputy head of the National Steering Committee for Voluntary Blood Donation on April 7.


Youngsters donate blood at a blood donation event

Thu said that localities and member agencies of the committee strive to mobilise at least 10 percent of total blood amount set for the whole year to meet treatment demand.

To that end, the committee and its members will organise a series of activities throughout the month, especially those responding to the National Day for Blood Donation (April 7), she said.

The committee has also launched a photo contest on blood donation to honour voluntary blood donors.

The National Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion will also coordinate with various ministries, sectors and organisations to hold a voluntary blood donation festival for State officials, public servants and workers, Thu added.

Meanwhile, communications on the work has been strengthened since early April in all localities.

According to the committee, from April 1-4, many cities and provinces, including Hanoi, Can Tho, Ha Giang and Hau Giang launched the Day for Humanitarian Blood Donation in response to the National Day for Blood Donation 2017. 

Nearly 4,000 people have registered to donate blood while nearly 2,000 blood units have been collected.