Australia and Vietnam will commence a reciprocal work and holiday visa arrangement from 1 March 2017.

This arrangement will allow young Vietnamese people, aged between 18 and 30, to travel to Australia for one year and undertake short-term work and study. 

The arrangement will also allow young Australians to work and holiday in Vietnam.

Each year 200 eligible Vietnamese applicants will be granted visas to Australia, and 200 Australians will similarly be able to enter Vietnam.

According to Australian Ambassador to Vietnam, Craig Chittick, the agreement is to increase understanding between the peoples of the two countries, and contribute to the economic, security and innovation partnerships.

The Work and Holiday visa will allow Vietnamese participants to engage in cultural exchange and tourism; stay in Australia for 12 months from their date of first arrival; work for the 12-month duration of their stay, but for no longer than six months with any one employer; and study for up to four months.

The Work and Holiday visa programme will reopen on 1 July every year.
