The Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam (CAAV) has requested the Airports Corporation of Vietnam (ACV) conduct evaluation of security work at all airports nationwide following a recent incident when a man boarded a plane without a boarding pass at Vinh international airport. 


Luggage examined at an airport

In a document released on March 5, the CAAV said it will review security procedures at all airports and conduct surprise inspections of the observance of aviation security regulations at some airports, including the Vinh airport, in March, with a view to drafting effective solutions to enhancing aviation security. 

The authority also asked all firms in the sector to take a close look at their own security procedures and regulations and make proposals on adjustments and supplements (if any) before March 31. 

On March 3, after all passengers boarded flight VN1265 from Vinh Airport (in the central province of Nghe An) to Tan Son Nhat Airport (in Ho Chi Minh City), the chief flight attendant discovered that a man had got on the plane without a boarding pass. 

The man was escorted off the plane by security staff. He was later found to be under treatment for mental disorder and released. 

The CAAV said the incident posed a serious threat to aviation security and safety, even though it had not caused any serious consequence. The authority immediately sent a working group to the Vinh airport to investigate the case. 

The investigation revealed violations of work procedures by security personnel and check-in counter staff members. The security technical infrastructure for security work also showed limitations. 

According to the CAAV, the Vinh airport had failed to fulfill requirements in monitoring on-duty personnel and in assessing threats, risks and weak points in security work. 

The authority decided to impose the maximum fine of 40 million VND on the Vinh airport and issue a written warning on the failure to fully comply to regulations and guidance on aviation transport. 

The four security staff members involved in the incident were fined 10 million VND each and had their working licence suspended for two months. A staff member at the check-in counter was fined 4 million VND for failing to observe working procedures. 

The deputy director in charge of security matters of Vinh Airport received a written warning over the case. 

The CAAV ordered regional airport authorities, in coordination with airports, to hold meetings to discuss and draw lessons from the incident, as well as to draft specific measures to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents. The measures should be reported to the CAAV before March 10.-VNA