Bac Kan combines economic development with forest protection.

Bac Kan province's forest resources are quite diverse and abundant. In addition to the ability to provide wood and bamboo, it has many rare and valuable animals and plants and is considered a center for preserving plant genetic resources of the Northeast region of Vietnam.

The mountainous province of Bac Kan is located deep inland, without border line, but is connected to neighboring localities through a good road traffic network.

Sustainable forest economic development becomes a key economic sector

Having a suitable climate for many types of crops and livestock, the province’s soil is quite good, which is an important basis for the development of agriculture and forestry. It has 301,722 hectares of agricultural land, accounting for 62.1% of the natural area. In many places, the soil layer is thick and hilly soil has a high amount of humus, making it convenient for food production, growing industrial crops, fruit trees and forest restoration.

Bac Kan's natural forest area is the largest among the Northeast provinces (95.3% of the area). The province's forest resources are quite diverse and rich. In addition to the ability to provide wood and bamboo, it has many rare and valuable animals and plants and is considered a center for preserving plant genetic resources of the Northeast region.

The fauna of Bac Kan province has high genetic self-preservation value with many endemic and rare species, mainly in Kim Hy area of Na Ri district, Cao Son of Bach Thong district, Ban Thi of Cho Don district and the Ba Be Lake.

Regarding plants, Bac Kan province has 280 plant species, including 300 wood species, 300 medicinal plant species, and 52 species included in the Vietnam Red Book.

With the potential and advantages of forestry, Bac Kan province is determined to turn the sustainable forest economy into a key economic sector, creating livelihoods and sustainable poverty reduction for rural people who depend on forests.

Providing raw materials for wood processing industry

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha signed the decision approving the Bac Kan Provincial Planning for the period 2021 - 2030, with a vision to 2050.

According to the plan, Bac Kan will develop agriculture, forestry and fisheries in a modern, sustainable direction, producing goods with productivity, quality, efficiency and competitiveness; strongly innovate thinking and forms of production and business organization based on agricultural economic orientation with the formation and development of value chains and promoting cooperation and linkages within the province, within the region, and between regional, national and international.

In addition, it will focus on developing advantageous agricultural products according to key product groups, building concentrated commodity production areas under market criteria and requirements, providing enough raw materials for processing industry; Promote industrialization and modernization in forest economic development with three focuses, including developing the carbon credit market, developing biomass electricity, developing agricultural and forestry product processing industry, pharmaceuticals, medicinal materials, wood and other products;

Build the forestry industry into a modern, highly effective economic-technical industry; improve the quality and economic efficiency of production forests; develop concentrated production areas that meet sustainable standards of raw materials for the wood processing industry; research and propose mechanisms to develop and grow medicinal plants under forest canopy and non-timber forestry products; focus on developing forest environmental services.

Construction of nine forestry roads

To develop sustainable forestry, the province continues to improve the road system and forestry roads, promoting mechanization in planting, caring for, exploiting, and transporting forest products.

In the period of 2012 - 2015, the province will invest over 13 billion VND to build 9 forestry roads in Ba Be, Cho Don, Bach Thong districts. In late 2021, the province decided to approve the forestry road project in the period of 2021 – 2025, with 183 forestry roads of 445 km long to increase mechanization ability to help reduce costs and increase economic value of forests, creating links between forest growers and businesses, creating raw material areas for wood processing, and at the same time helping patrol, protect forests, and prevent forest fires when incidents occur, contributing to sustainable forest development;

Continue to effectively implement forest protection and development policies, the Forestry Law and policies to support agricultural and forestry development under the project to restructure the agriculture sector in Bac Kan province for the period of 2021 - 2025 is identified as one of the solutions for forestry development in the coming time.

The province will also encourage, support and create favorable conditions to attract economic sectors to participate in investing, managing, exploiting and developing the potential and advantages of forests and forestry land; Focus on research and development of medicinal plants under the forest canopy, thereby taking advantage of the land and enhancing the value of the forest...

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