NhanChien HoangHa.jpg
Nguyen Nhan Chien, former Secretary of the Bac Ninh Provincial Party Committee (Photo: Hoang Ha)

The Investigation Agency of the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) has completed an investigation and released a conclusion on the case of violation of "regulations on bidding causing serious consequences; giving and receiving bribes; and abusing position and power while performing official duties" occurring at the Bac Ninh Department of Health and Advanced International JSC (AIC).

To attend bids, win bids, and sign contracts to supply equipment for medical packages in Bac Ninh, businesses were willing to pay large sums of money to former leaders of the province.

The investigation agency proposed prosecuting 13 defendants on four charges. Of these, Nguyen Nhan Chien, former Secretary of the Bac Ninh Provincial Party Committee, and Nguyen Tu Quynh, former chair of Bac Ninh, is facing prosecution for receiving bribes.

Nguyen Tien Nhuong, former Vice Chair of the Bac Ninh Provincial People's Committee, has been prosecuted for abusing his position and power while performing official duties. Nguyen Thi Thanh Nhan, president of AIC Company, was prosecuted for giving bribes.

Tran Van Tuynh, director of the Medical Construction Project Management Board, Dang Tien Phong, president and CEO of Song Hong Company, and Nguyen Thi Thanh Nhan, president of AIC, all verbally agreed that the companies that won the bid sign contracts and received an advance and payment for the bid packages would pay non-contractual money to Tuynh and to Bac Ninh leaders.

Of these, Tuynh received non-contractual money from the Song Hong Company group, while other provincial leaders and department heads would be paid directly by AIC.

In 2015-2017, Tuynh received VND6 billion from the Song Hong group of companies, after allowing a group of companies to which Phong was the representative win three bid packages at three district general hospitals in Tien Du, Yen Phong and Que Vo (the Medical Construction Project Management Board was the investor).

In January 2016, Phong gave VND3.5 billion to Tuynh at Tuynh’s office on the third floor of the Bac Ninh Department of Health’s head office. One month later, Phong gave another VND1 billion to Tuynh at Tuynh’s home, located on Ly Cao Tong street in Bac Ninh City.

The money was taken from the advance payment of 50% of the value of the signed contracts of the three bid packages paid by the investor to the bid winners.

In July 2016, after Phong left Song Hong, all the work was transferred to Song Hong’s deputy general director La Tuan Hung. At that time, all the bid packages were completed and handed over to the investor, and equipment was installed while waiting for official acceptance and payment.

In late 2016, after official acceptance, Hung came to see Tuynh at his office and gave another VND1.5 billion.

After receiving the money, on holidays and Tet days in 2015-2017, Tuynh, on five different visits, came to see Nguyen Nhan Chien, who was then chair of the provincial People’s Committee, and Nguyen Tu Quynh, who was then deputy chair, and gave each of them VND200 million. So, each of them got VND1 billion in total.

Before the 2015 Tet holiday, Tuynh gave Nguyen Hanh Chung, director of the Bac Ninh Department of Health, VND500 million.

On holidays and Tet days in 2015, 2016 and 2017, Tuyen met and gave "thanksgiving money" to Nguyen Van Nhuong, deputy chair of Bac Ninh People’s Committee, who signed documents approving the bidding and payment of medical equipment procurement packages for six district hospitals in Bac Ninh. The total amount of money Nhuong received was VND100 million.

In early 2020, when Nhuong was planning to retire, Tuynh came to see Nhuong and gave Nhuong VND200 million.

Regarding the three big packages that AIC won, Nhan gave money to thank Bac Ninh’s former leaders.

From 2013 to the time when the notice about retirement was released in September 2020, Chien received money at various times from Nguyen Thi Thanh Nhan, totaling VND13 billion.

Similarly, in 2013-2019, Nguyen Tu Quynh received money from Nhan, totaling VND9.1 billion. Nhuong also received money from AIC, totaling VND450 million.

At the investigation agency, Tuynh admitted that his behavior of dividing six bid packages and creating favorable conditions to the companies owned by Phong, Hung, and Nhan (AIC) to win bids and receive VND3.2 billion from the contractor violated the law.

Tuynh and his family have paid back the VND3.2 billion to remedy the consequences.

T. Nhung