The authorities of Dak Nong Province are calling for the government to complete a road which is causing huge travel problems.


Road to Doan Ket Village

Party Secretary of Dak Ngo Commune Le Van Minh said rains had been falling almost non-stop for the past month there, worsening the road.

Doan Ket Village is the most remote village of Dak Ngo and often isolated during rainy season as the only dirt road to the outside becomes so muddy that people can hardly use it. The village was established 10 years ago and most villagers are from Mong Ethnic group.  

Lau Thi Sang lost her newborn baby because of this road. Her waters broke on August 6 so the family tried to bring her to the hospital. 30 minutes later, they returned home as it was impossible to use the muddy road.

"She immediately gave birth at home but the child died," said Lau Sau Vu, Sang's father-in-law. "At first, we used a truck but it got stuck so we transferred her to a motorbike. It also got stuck."  

About 10 people died each year because they were unable to reach the hospital on time, a large number of them are children under six. Head of the village Trang A Do the villagers only go to the hospital when they are severely ill and the muddy road made it worse.

Tan Lap Village also uses the same road and faces the same difficulty. Head of the village, Sung Seo Nhe, said accidents occurred at a high rate on this road.

"But I worry about those who need to go to hospitals. People with mild conditions will worsen after using the road and severely-ill people probably won't make it," he said.

500 households of two villages have no other way to but to struggle on that road. They were excited after hearing that Dak Nong Province would rebuild the road. But years later, nothing has been done.

Chairman of Dak Ngo Commune Nguyen Huy Cong said, "Bad infrastructure has an adverse effect on the local economic development. Firms that want to invest in the farming or forestry industries won't be enthusiastic. We hope the government will create favourable conditions to improve the infrastructure and business environment."
