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In a document sent to the municipal Department of Sport and Culture, Hoan Kiem District People's Committee said that they have received complaints from residents about the surge in night activities and events around Hoan Kiem Lake, including early morning running events starting at 3 am and high-volume music performances at nearby Dong Kinh Nghia Thuc Square.

"Such events have badly affected the lives of the residents, particularly the elderly and young children," the department said in their document. "The installation and dismantling work for these events often leaves rubbish around the area and poses risks of workplace and traffic accidents. In addition, the events are often accompanied by stalls promoting unsuitable products, including the sale of low-quality agricultural items, food, and foreign goods."

The committee proposed to suspend early morning running races and limit the presence of inappropriate booths and food stalls in the Hoan Kiem Lake walking area and its surroundings.

"We should only allow booths related to culture and sports events, which should be designed to uphold aesthetics and ensure security and fire safety regulations," the committee suggested.

The committee also recommends restricting events that involve high-volume music performances in the Dong Kinh Nghia Thuc Square area.