Banh Chung (Vietnamese square glutinous rice cake) is chosen as one of the 12 best rice dishes from all over the world by the Russian geographic magazine, Vokrug Sveta.


Making Banh Chung on Tet holidays

Rice is known as a primary staple food throughout many countries all over the world. There are 40,000 varieties of rice and they vary in shape, color, and size. 

Thousands of dishes across the world are made from rice.

Accordingly, Italian rice dish, Risotto is ranked first in the list, followed by Paella of Spain, Jambalaya of Mexico, traditional Egyptian dish called Koshari, Nigerian Jollof rice, Indian Dosa pancake, Plov, a popular dish in Muslim countries, Won Ton of China, Banh Chung of Vietnam, British pudding cake and Japanese rice cake Mochi.

Banh Chung is the most popular and delicious cake of Vietnamese that is made during Tet Holidays and Memorizing Day of Kings Hung to express gratitude to ancestors and homeland.