Corruption remains complex and widespread and yet to be repulsed, says a Government report submitted to the National Assembly (NA).

Among the underlying causes of this situation are inadequate mechanisms and policies on socio-economic management, a lack of transparency, with “ask-give” remaining a common practice. This has given rise to corruption, especially in the management of land, investment, construction, budgets, capital, State assets, personnel, credit and banking.

Besides, a number of agencies, units and officials are not tough enough in their implementation of anti-corruption measures. A majority of civil servants, including those in senior positions, are lacking of morality, discipline and willpower, failing to fulfill their responsibilities before the Party and citizens, with legal action required for certain graft cases.

On the transparency of assets and incomes, the Government report says more than one million State employees made their declarations in 2015, meeting 99.1% of the number required.

Over 990,000 declarations, 98.9%, have been made public. Some 400 officials have had their assets and incomes verified.

Such verification is mainly aimed to serve the arrangement and appointment of State employees. Only a few have been found to making dishonest declarations in the process of verification.

“During the asset and income verifications by competent authorities, no violations have been detected,” the report says.

Regarding the gathering of gifts to the central level, the report informs no cases of infringement have been detected in the year to date.

Ten persons have been temporarily suspended from their jobs or transferred for breaching the anti-corruption rules. Eleven high-ranking officials who irresponsibly let corruption take place have been dealt with, with six of them demoted or reprimanded, and the other five considered for other forms of discipline.

Corruption cases in 2016 have caused losses of over VND240 billion and 838 square meters of land.

The General Department of Civil Judgment Enforcement has handled 65 cases of corruption, with some VND646.6 billion involved, in which 41 cases, equivalent to more than VND45.6 billion, have been resolved.