A photo set capturing a solemn ceremony where Vietnam peacekeeping forces set off for an international mission received a special prize at the fifth Golden Moment press photo contest.

Delegates view photos at the exhibition. 

The award ceremony took place in Hà Nội on January 18.

Initiated by the Vietnam News Agency in 2008, the photo contest aims to enhance the quality of press photos, according to Lê Quốc Minh, deputy director of the Vietnam News Agency.

“The contest drew a large number of participants. The awarded photos reflected the issues and events that happened around the country.”

After three months (from September to December), the organising board received more than 6,000 works sent by 632 photographers nationwide.

The jury board gave awards for 25 excellent photo sets and single photos.

One image from the photo set ’Việt Nam’s Peacekeeping Force Leaves For International Missions’ taken by Nguyễn Tiến Thành.

The special award went to ‘Việt Nam’s Peacekeeping Force Leaves For International Missions’ taken by Nguyễn Tiến Thành, 30, from HCM City.

It’s the first time Việt Nam sent a field hospital to join the United Nations’ peacekeeping activities in South Sudan. Since then, the hospital’s staff have engaged in intensive training in accordance with the UN’s standards. A ceremony to see off the force was organised at Tân Sơn Nhất Airport in October last year.

“It’s an important event for the Việt Nam People’s Army, I arrived early to prepare for security checks because the ceremony was very solemn,” Thành said.

“I observed the site carefully and found the ideal place to wait.”

Thành said the Golden Moment press photo contest is a helpful event for photojournalists.

“I like the contest because it helps people understand more about our work. They will learn that behind beautiful photos are sweat and tears,” he said.

“For us, the photo contest is an encouragement and acknowledgement of our effort. I respect this award.”

A photo depicts the flood in Yên Bái Province taken by Nông Việt Linh.

Photographer Nông Việt Linh agreed, “This is a professional photo contest that we always want to submit our best work to”.

Linh and his colleague Trần Văn Thường won first prize for the photo set ‘Fierce Flood Wipes Out Poor Village in Three Minutes’.

They were sent to Tủ Village in the northern province of Yên Bái three days after the flood hit the village.

“I was moved when I saw the desolation at the site, people everywhere cried for the loss of relatives and their homes,” said Linh.

“We tried to capture the haunting scenes with hope that donors would learn about the situation and help people.”

This is the first time the organisers handed out prizes for photos taken by smartphone.

A photo taken by Lê Minh Sơn from VietnamPlus (under Vietnam News Agency).

The top prize in this category went to Lê Minh Sơn from VietnamPlus (under Vietnam News Agency) for a photo set entitled ‘Extinguish a Big Fire’.

Sơn heard of a fire near Nước Ngầm Bus Station in November last year. He immediately ran to the site with a smartphone as his only equipment.

“The reporters were required to leave cameras outside,” said Sơn.

“I was lucky to get close to the site because I didn’t bring a camera.”

With a smartphone, he quickly took pictures and sent them to the office. The images were published an hour later.

“A professional reporter should have the ability to solve problems and publish news as soon as possible,” said Sơn.

The exhibition of photos will run until May 18 at the Vietnam News Agency, 5 Lý Thường Kiệt Street, Hà Nội. — VNS