VietNamNet Bridge - Prof. Hoang Chi Bao said the expression of "self-evolution" and "self-transformation" within the party at present can be said to have reached a critical level.


Immediately after the Central Party Committee systematically identified the expressions of degradation of ideas, ethics, and lifestyle, the former member of the Central Theoretical Council told the press that: the 3th session of the XII Central Party Committee has a particularly important position. 

We can say that it's a very logical continuation to the 4th Resolution of the XI Central Party Committee on the same subject of addressing urgent issues in Party building, particularly the deterioration of political ideology, ethics and lifestyle of a group of party members, notably officials of all levels.

This time, the 4th session of the XII Central Party Committee also emphasized the issue of "self-evolution", "self-transformation" within the Party. It is also the issue that is closely related with the recession. The new content of Resolution 4 of the XII Central Party Committee not only reviews and assesses the situation, but also identifies the expression of recession, "self-evolution", and "self-transformation".

The manifestation of these phenomena was pointed out very comprehensively.

Prof. Hoang Chi Bao said: "Self-evolution", "self-transformation" within the Party at present can be said to have reached a critical level.

Self-evolution is the weakness of individuals who fail to defend the truth, the right, the important theoretical issues in the ideology of the nation, of the Party.

More specifically, it is the protection of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh thought, the viewpoint, and the guidelines of the party in the renovation process or today's life.

Self-transformation also includes awareness, behavior, a critical attitude and self-criticism, in the attitude in the fight against the wrong view. Party members must protect their Party.

Self-transformation is self-abdicating their place as revolutionaries and communists to become accomplices with evil in society. 

This transformation makes them lose the qualities, personality, political consciousness and political spirit, which can gradually make the party lose its strength to fight.

If the party is not strong inside, this is the risk that challenges the Party's vitality and the survival of the regime. 

Self-transformation makes party members lose their ideals, their goals, and deviate from the path of socialism or agree voluntarily or not voluntarily with the sabotage of the enemy.

Cảnh giác với 'tự chuyển hóa'

This time, Resolution 4 of the XII Central Party Committee outlines 27 expressions of degradation of political ideology, ethics and lifestyle, "self-evolution", and "self-transformation". 

The 27 expressions are linked together as cause – effect relations. Only when Party members overcome these expressions, the Party is pure and strong and has the strength to fight. 

To do so, Party members must be educated, to reach united awareness and action, and to control the situation. 

Therefore, the Party must be very focused on discipline, organization, and strictly implement regulations, the charter of the party from statement to action.

The media and propaganda tools must be tightened, to both ensure substantive democracy, respect  concentration, keep discipline by complying with the law. 

Bach Tuyet