The southern central province of Binh Dinh is investigating a scam in which many local fishermen are accused of taking advantages of the government’s financial support for fishing activities to earn money.


Head of Binh Dinh People's Procuracy Tran Van Sang said local authorities have decided to bring violators to the court.   

Based on the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 48/2010/QD-TTg on supporting off-shore fishing and aquaculture activities, many fishermen in Binh Dinh Province faked their papers to receive hundreds of millions from the state budget in the form of fuel subsidies.

The fake papers are about the specific times for their fishing activities like when they leave and when they return.

For instance, fishermen N.V.T in Quy Nhon City is accused of forging papers for fishing from March 23 to April 7 in 2015 to receive a VND55-million (USD2,500) subsidy for fuel. 

Meanwhile, another local resident named T.V.C also did the same to receive VND75-million (USD3,570) at that time.

A police investigation into the claims revealed the boats of the two fishermen faced some technical problems so they hadn’t joined the off-shore fishing activities at the times they had claimed for.

Head of Binh Dinh Province People's Procuracy Tran Van Sang said the accused were fishermen in Hoai Nhon District and Quy Nhon City.
