Bkav's warning: New malware steals Facebook business accounts  ảnh 1

Bkav warns of the new malware stealing Facebook business accounts

Bkav's malware warning and monitoring system recorded an increasing number of computers infected with the Fabookie malware - a trojan created to steal Facebook accounts, especially Facebook business accounts.

According to Bkav, more than 100,000 computers in Vietnam were infected with the Fabookie malware in July.

The Fabookie malware can steal a user's account through cookies and passwords stored in the browser, similar to other account-stealing malware samples. For most websites, if the hacker gets the login session with the password, they can change the password; thereby, they will take full control of victims’ accounts.

It is worth mentioning that the Fabookie malware is specially designed to attack Facebook business accounts. This malicious code checks the decrypted Cookie to see whether the account is currently logged in, using Facebook Graph API Queries to receive additional information about a user’s account, linked payment method, balance, and friends.

If the data block is successfully mined and the stolen information is from a Facebook Business account, the hacker can use the victim's account to silently run advertising frauds and financial gains instead of immediately changing the password and taking over the account.

This helps hackers achieve many other purposes such as making more profits, and using SEO to boost the website's ranking in the search engine that distributes malicious code rather than taking over accounts which will alarm the administrator and disconnect the credit card.

Source: SGGP